Pre-K applications for lottery-funded (FREE) Pre-K at Savannah-Chatham public schools available Feb. 27
Interested in putting your child’s name into the lottery for the 2012-2013 Savannah-Chatham public schools FREE pre-kindergarten program? Here are some important dates:
Applications for the 2012-2013 Pre-Kindergarten Program will be available Monday, February 27, 2012 through Friday, March 23, 2012. The child must be four years of age on or before September 1, 2012. Parents must provide proof of residence and a certified birth certificate when submitting the application. Please note: Contact Coastal Empire Montessori for that school’s application dates as the school has a seperate enrollment process.
Only one application per child may be submitted at a maximum of three sites. If applying at three sites, your first choice must be in your attendance zone. The application with the appropriate documents must be submitted to each school. Submission of more than 3 applications will result in the child being disqualified.
Children will be selected through a lottery drawing which will be held April 3, 2012 at school sites. Parents will receive written notification of acceptance or waiting list status at the end of April.
Parents may go to any of the sites with the program to obtain an application. The Information Desk at 208 Bull Street will also have applications. Click here for local schools that offer the free pre-K program. Learn more about the program here.