Cloth diapers now available at Savannah Baby Co.
Savannah Baby Co. is now carrying cloth diapers! Their 1st shipment of bumGenius and Flip Cloth diapers just arrived!
Savannah Baby Co. also has the cute new Flip training pants, too.
With Flip diapers, you have the choice of three different inserts (organic, disposable and stay-dry) that lay inside the cover and you’re able to toss out the used insert and reuse the cover. Bum genius diapers are all-in-one with no covers and the inserts go in a pocket area on the inside of the diaper.
Savannah Baby Company, 5301 Paulsen at the corner of Paulsen St and 69th in the Medical Arts neighborhood, 912-480-0212,, Savannah Baby Company is a advertiser