Savannah Kindermusik Summer 2011 Parent-and-Me Sessions for Children Ages 0-7
Summer 2011 Kindermusik ‘Adventures’ sessions are an enriching, fun way to beat the heat with some cool indoor musical learning together. Classes offered in Southside Savannah, Wilmington Island and Richmond Hill.
Some of Kindermusik Summer 2011 highlights:
-two 5-week sessions, to accomodate your Summer plans.
-afternoon classes, as well as morning and weekends.
-classes for the older age groups (ages 3-5, and 5-7).
-Family Time classes (for siblings combined, ages 0-7!). 1st child pays. All subsequent children are FREE, yes, FREE!!
-a Summer-long musical sign language class, for hearing babies, ages 6-36 months.
– Curricula for Summer Session A is DIFFERENT than for Summer Session B, so you can sign up for both sessions if you wish, and enjoy 10 weeks of non-stop Summer Kindermusik.
Summer sessions include:
Adventures for Babies (For ages newborn – 20 months):
“Busy Days” and “Peek A Boo, I Love You!”. With a little more “Bach” in your Twinkle Twinkle repertoire, you’ll love how each lesson features fun activities and songs you can enjoy in all the places you go and the things you do together. Be inspired as you discover new ways music can help your busy days with your child be easier, happier days. In “Peek A Boo, I Love You!”, more than just a curious story, Mother Goose games like peek-a-boo help babies understand language. In this special class, uncover more ways to say “I love you” using American Sign Language, soap bubbles, and parent-baby dances. Plus, parents can meet with other newborns and families in the community and learn how music improves the child development process. For ages newborn – 20 months.
Adventures for Toddlers (For ages 1.5-3.5 and their parents)
Explore creatures all summer long, with “Creatures at the Ocean” and then “Creatures in my Backyard”. In “Creatures at the Ocean”, sing sailor songs and make the ocean count. “Five little seashells lying on the shore: Swish! Went the waves and then there were four.” In “Creatures in My Backyard”, give your children something to sing about in their own backyards. Be the flower from the “seed’s” perspective. Run and jump in rain puddles made from hula hoops. Shoo real flies and sing “Shoo Fly.”
Adventures for Pre-Schoolers ( For ages 3-5 and their parents):
In “On the Road”, you will re-live your childhood, with your child. Every song is likely to revive a memory from your summers? past. Play ?Eye Spy? and find shapes in the clouds to pass the time. Take imaginary trips in a bus named ?Van Go? to fun-filled vacation destinations such as the carnival, a summer cottage, and the beach. In “Confetti Days”, throw a new party every day. Ride a carousel inside the classroom. Play a balancing game and walk on the web of ropes. Do a musical move and freeze. Learn colors and sing the Spanish song “De Colures,” “Pop, Goes the Weasel,” and “Looby Loo.”
Adventures for Big Children ( For ages 5-7) :
The theme is called “Tell Me A Tale”. Through storytelling, your children will develop an early awareness of rhythm, movement, singing, and drama. Each lesson features a new tale from around the world, explored through multi-instrument and multi-cultural elements. All told, it?s an around-the-imagination adventure of the greatest stories from Europe, Malaysia, South Africa, and more.
Adventures for Families (pay for one child, all additional siblings are free):
Experience the joy of the One-Room Schoolhouse approach as “Here, There and Everywhere” invites ALL the members of a family to come enjoy a musical adventure together! This class is open to siblings of ages 0-7, all together. Pay only for the first child. All the siblings are FREE!
Adventures for Sign Language (for hearing babies ages 6-36 months):
One 10-week session of Sign and Sing, Units A and B, for hearing babies, ages 6-36 months. Learn over 150 ASL signs to use with your baby to eliminate communication frustrations for both baby AND you. Not only will you learn in a fun, musical atmosphere, but you will also be taught how to interpret YOUR baby’s version of the signs, how to engage your child to WANT to sign, and how to use music and props as “attention – getters” to GET your baby to sign.
All class sizes are limited, so hurry and sign up today. Session A will run from the end of May through the end of June, and Session B will run from mid July through early August. Each session lasts 5 weeks and costs include tuition PLUS all home materials.
To sign up, please visit the new website by clicking here and scroll down to the BOTTOM of the home page. You will find a Kindermusik link. Click there to get to our Kindermusik website. Online registration is available NOW. Questions? Email or 912.988.KEYS (5397).