Archive for the ‘Holidays 2021’ Category

(Savannah Holidays 2023) Free Holiday Cookie Decorating Workshop @ SCAD Museum of Art

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023


Teen Night: Holiday cookie decorating workshop – Thurs. Dec. 14, 4-6PM

Join assistant curator Brittany Richmond at TAD Café for an evening celebrating tasty treats and contemporary art. Explore SCAD MOA’s exhibitions to inspire decorative elements on holiday cookies, blending art and edible expression to tap all the senses.

Admission is free. All skill levels welcome. Materials included. Boxed dinner provided.

To sign up, contact Hannah Thompson, manager of museum visitation and programming, at

Learn more here.


SCAD Museum of Art is a advertiser

Savannah’s Best Home Christmas Light Displays 2021

Tuesday, December 14th, 2021

Christmas Lights 2021 Savannah Pooler Rincon Richmond Hill 2021 home house

Best home holiday light displays, decorations 2021 in Savannah, Pooler, Richmond Hill

Driving around Savannah, Pooler, Rincon & Richmond Hill looking at home holiday light displays and decorations is a favorite family tradition.

From colossal Santa snow globes to computerized Christmas lights animated with music, has your guide to local home holiday light displays.

Kids especially love those computerized “dancing” lights display animated with music. Lights choreographed to blink, twink and fade in red, blue, green and white, in sync with a custom-mixed soundtrack of holiday tunes.

Want to add a home lights display to this list or let us know if one of the past favorites isn’t up this year? Please email us the info at

* The Seager family, 476 Copper Creek Circle
Pooler GA 31322
(this is the lights-loving owner previously @ 24 Greatwood Way Savannah in Godley Park in the Highlands Subdivisions)

* 221 Pinecrest Place
Pooler, GA

* The Owens Family, 111 Chinese Fir Ct, Pooler GA 31322

* The Steinhauser family, 1431 Whitfield Park Circle
5:30- 9PM nightly
Tune radio to 102.9

* s The Fordhams, 21 Timbers Way, Savannah, GA 31406 (Located in the Rivers Bend neighborhood off of Whitfield Ave.)

* South Lancaster Rd. in Wilmington Park

* The Nowicki family, 107 Saint Andrews Way, Wilmington Is.

* The Lodge Family, 701 Stuart St. Savannah

* The Ray Famiy, 9 Yorkshire Place Savannah
Nightly 5:30-11PM

* The Jensen Family, 6A Webster Drive, Savannah

* The Schirtzinger family, 202 Blue Marlin Dr., Whitemarsh Island.
Donations  can be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

* The Simons family, 165 Bald Cypress Lane 31302 (Off of Little Neck Road) Animated and Static
Nightly from dark til 9:30PM

* The Barratta family, 154 Lake Dr., Midway  31320

* The Walker family, 23 Charlie’s Rd, and Hwy 144, Richmond Hill

* The Gray family, 782 Greenwich Dr, Richmond Hill (includes a train)

* The Mar family, 104 Rockingham Circle, Bloomingdale

* 106 Sandstone Dr. Bloomingdale

* 201 Savannah Avenue, Rincon.

* The Smith family, 419 Willowpeg Way, Rincon. (Next to Lost Plantation Golf Course)  Tune to 89.7, syncs to music.

* 126 Aquaduct Dr. in the Staffordshire Estates Subdivision off of Blue Jay, Rincon

* The Padgett family, 156 Oakview Rd, Rincon 31326

* Pennington neighborhood, off Midland Rd, Guyton

* The Rockwell Family, 253 Cypress Creek Lane, Guyton GA 31312

* 133 South Effingham Plantation Dr.

* The Simmons family, 439 Egypt Ardmore Rd, Springfield, GA 31329


Christmas light displays home house Savannah 2021

South Carolina

Brendlen’s Christmas Light Display
1570 Drigger’s Lane
Ridgeland SC 29936
Nightly lights display

Arborwood Lights display
9 Arbormeade Circle in Bluffton (Look for “Arborwood Lights” in Google Maps.)
6-9PM nightly
Decorated homes & yards off Buckwalter Parkway in sync to Christmas music.

43 Neligh Lane in Cypress Ridge off SC 170
Bluffton SC
8,500 lights in sync with music on 99.3 FM.
5:30-8PM Sunday-Thursday and until 10PM Friday & Saturday
Another home lights display @ nearby 211 Argo Circle.

Hilton Head Firefighters Christmas Lights
Fire Station 3
534 William Hilton Pkwy
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Donations of non-perishable food items are accepted

ALSO DECORATED IN LIGHTS: Dove Street lights on Hilton Head Is. 5:30-11PM nightly through New Years; shopping centers Coligny Plaza @ 1 North Forest Beach Drive & Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina (w/ Neptune statue wearing his Santa hat) @ 1 Shelter Cove Lane, both on Hilton Head Island


FREE lights displays @ businesses, organizations

TMT Farms Christmas Lights Drive-Thru in Statesboro
16710 Old River Rd N
Statesboro, GA 30461
Open now until Dec. 27 2020, 6PM-1AM nightly.
Drive-thru only.
Admission is free, however, please bring non-perishable food items to donate. Cash donations are also accepted. Donated food will be distributed to needy families throughout Bulloch County and surrounding counties. Monetary contributions are used to purchase gift cards for needy families.
Details here.


Lowcountry Counseling: Sober Support for the Holidays

Tuesday, December 14th, 2021

Sober Support Holidays Savannah counseling therapists

Lowcountry Counseling in Savannah: Sober Support for the Holidays

The Holidays can be challenging for those in addiction recovery.

Whether you need support for yourself, or a you have a family member who is in addiction recovery, help is available.

Find 5 Tips To Support Sobriety here. 


If you or a loved one is in need of support, Low Country Counseling offers specialized therapy for Individuals, Moms, Couples, Families, Children, and Teens. Contact Low Country Counseling for any questions you need answered or to schedule an appointment. Help is available. You’re not alone.

Low Country Counseling is a advertiser 


FREE arts & crafts, showing of BEE Movie @ Savannah Cultural Arts Center

Sunday, December 12th, 2021

Free Bee Movie Arts Crafts Savannah Cultural Arts Center 2021

Holiday Break: FREE BEE Move & Crafts @ Savannah Cultural Arts Center

Restless over the holiday break? Bumble down to the Savannah Cultural Arts Center on Wed. Dec. 29 2021 for a FREE matinee screening of Bee Movie! Fun starts at 10AM for themed arts activities followed by the movie at 11AM. All ages welcome, a parent/guardian must be present with children at all times.

Savannah Cultural Arts Center
201 Montgomery St.
Savannah, Ga 31401


Savannah Cultural Arts Center is a advertiser 


(Savannah Holidays 2021) Santa & Mrs. Claus Fire Engine Routes 2021 of Islands, Southside

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

Santa Claus & Mrs. Claus 2021 tour of the Islands, Southside by fire engine

CES Volunteer Fire Divisions volunteers will escort Santa and Mrs Claus around the Islands & Savannah Southside in 2021 and spread some holiday cheer.

Southside: Dec. 11-13
Southbridge/Berwick: Dec. 17
Wilmington Route: begins at 12PM on Sat. Dec. 18
Whitemarsh/Talahi: begins at 1PM on Sun. Dec. 19.
Skidaway Is: Dec. 18 & 19.
Ferguson Avenue: Dec. 21
Burnside: Dec. 22

Tracking link will be available on the day.

See the online Santa fire engine route schedule here to see when Santa may be cruising thru your neighborhood.


Find more kids’ Christmas 2021 events here. 

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Savannah Holly Days Jingle Bell Block Hop & Candy Crawl

Tuesday, December 7th, 2021

Jingle Bell Block Hop & Candy Crawl, Sun. Dec. 19 2021

Bring all the kids downtown this Sun. Dec. 19 and let them have a blast at the Jingle Bell Block Hop & Candy Crawl.

This event will feature pictures with Santa, holiday dancers, Magic Marc, cookie decorating, games and a candy crawl at participating businesses downtown.

Jingle Bell Block Hop & Candy Crawl
E Broughton and Bull Street, Savannah, 31401



Free downtown Savannah parking on certain days during holidays

Saturday, December 4th, 2021

HOliday Parking Savannah free

FREE Downtown Savannah Parking on certain days during holidays

Yes, you can shop in downtown Savannah during holidays without worrying about paying for parking.

FREE holiday parking in all city-owned garages during the
below dates and times.
Through December 31, 2021 (Every Tues and Wed ONLY)

Dec. 17-19, 2021
Noon- 8PM

Teen Nights @ SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

SCAD MOA Teen Nights Savannah

Teen Nights @ SCAD Museum of Art

Teens take over SCAD MOA at these artist workshops. Supplies included. All skill levels welcome. Boxed dinner provided.


Sign up!
Kristin Poitras
Coordinator of museum visitation

See teen night dates and listings on the museum event calendar.

Upcoming teen nights include:


Fri. Dec. 10, 4-6PM
Conjure kami spirits at LARP workshop
Tour Japanese artist Izumi Kato’s exhibition Stand By You. Then inhabit Kato’s spectral creatures at this live-action role playing workshop.


Fri. Dec. 17, 4-6PM
Make cookie-cutter cool
Customize cookies styled like works on view, with Brittany Richmond, SCAD MOA assistant curator


SCAD Museum of Art
601 Turner Blvd.
Savannah, Ga.


SCAD Museum of Art is a advertiser 

SouthCoast Health: Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Healthy gift suggestions from SouthCoast Health

Healthy present and stocking stuffer ideas from SouthCoast Health for foodies, athletes, tech lovers, kids.

See the health gift ideas here. 

SouthCoast Health is a advertiser

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Cookie decorating & movie @ Savannah Cultural Arts Center

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

MUppet Christmas Movie Savannah Cultural Arts Center

Holiday cookie decorating and movie day @ Savannah Cultural Arts

Drop in to the Savannah Cultural Arts Center this Sat. Dec. 11 for cookie decorating and a movie. Cookie decorating will begin at 11:30AM with the movie starting in the Ben Tucker Theater at 12:30PM. This event is open to all ages (youth must be accompanied at all times).

Cost: $5 per family.

Find more Savannah Cultural Arts Center events here.


Savannah Cultural Arts Center is a advertiser 

(Savannah holidays) Make cookie-cutter cool at SCAD MOA Teen Night decorating workshop

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021


cookie cutter decorating SCAD MOA Teen Night Savannah

Make cookie-cutter cool at SCAD MOA Teen Night decorating workshop

Cookies that imitate art. Customize cookies-styled like works on view with Brittany Richmond, SCAD MOA assistant curator.

Admission to the workshop is $10. Supplies included. All skill levels welcome. Boxed dinner provided.

To sign up, email Kristin Poitras, coordinator of museum visitation, at

Fri. Dec. 17 2021, 4-6 p.m.
SCAD Museum of Art
601 Turner Blvd.

Learn more here.


SCAD Museum of Art is a advertiser 

FREE Classic Family Christmas Movies @ Trustees theatres, Savannah

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

CHristmas specials cartoons Trustees Theater Savannah Christmas events holiday

Holiday Family Movies @ Trustees & Lucas Theatres, Savannah 

A Saturday showing of FREE Christmas cartoons and FREE Polar Express Party will be @ Trustees Theater on Broughton Street in downtown Savannah on Sat. Dec. 18. On Saturday evening, there will be a free showing of It’s a Wonderful Life @ the Lucas Theatre.

SAT. DEC. 18, 11AM
Sing “Fah who Foraze, Dah who doraze” and welcome Christmas by bringing your cheer to an hour of treasured family holiday cartoons — “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” — on the big screen. Complete with festive giveaways for young moviegoers.
At this sensory friendly screening, audience members can enjoy a positive, stress-free matinee at the movies in a safe and accepting environment — lights turned up slightly, sound turned down slightly, attendees can make noise and move about the theater, and no sssshhhing.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

SAT. DEC. 18, 3PM
You’ll be able to watch it with a special sleigh bell to ring while wearing your most comfy Christmas jammies.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

SAT. DEC. 18, 7PM
Ring your bell when an angel get his wings and enjoy this quintessential holiday classic with your family, friends, and neighbors.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

Details on all of the above here. 

Polar express Savannah pj party 2021 Christmas Holidays Savannah

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Puppetry Workshop for Kids @ Savannah Cultural Arts Center

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Savannah puppet workshop 2021 Christmas

New Savannah Cultural Arts Youth Puppetry workshop coming after Thanksgiving

Combine the worlds of visual and performing arts in a puppetry workshop.

On Sat. Dec 4, the Savannah Cultural Arts Center is hosting a Youth Puppetry Workshop for ages 10-15. In the first half you will create your own marionette puppet using polymer clay, felt, and fabric, and the second half cover character creation, voice work, and basics of how to use a puppet like a real puppeteer.

No arts experience necessary, space limited, sign up today! Watch a behind the scenes video here.

Dec 4 from 12:30 to 2:00pm. Pre-registration requested. $20 ($15 for City of Savannah residents). Register online here.


Savannah Cultural Arts Center is a advertiser 

High Cotton Kids Holiday Consignment Sale, Savannah

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Holiday Consignment Sale High Cotton Kids

Find boutique bargains at the new High Cotton Kids Holiday Sale, Dec. 10-12, Savannah

High Cotton Kids is an upscale, seasonal consignment sale.

This year, they’re having a holiday sale @ their same location, 2164 E. Victory Drive, at Victory and Skidaway next to Starbucks.

Find deals on kids’ gear and clothes. Or sell your children’s gently used items.

Sale hours
10AM-7PM Fri. Dec. 10
10AM-5PM Sat. Dec. 11
Noon-5PM Sun. Dec. 12

Learn more here. 


High Cotton Kids is a advertiser

FOO Brews & Bites @ Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

FOO Brews Bites Oatland Island

FOO Brews & Bites @ Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah

6-9PM Fri. 12/10.

This Holiday Celebration & Silent Auction Fundraiser is an adult-only evening that’s a perfect way to celebrate & support Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah.

Tickets deadline is today Dec. 3. Get tickets here.


Oatland Island Wildlife Center is a advertiser 

Classic Family Christmas Movies @ Lucas & Trustees theatres, Savannah

Monday, November 29th, 2021

CHristmas specials cartoons Trustees Theater Savannah Christmas events holiday

Home Alone Savannah Christmas events

Holiday Family Movies @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts & Trustees Theatre, Savannah 

Holiday classic movies @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts in downtown Savannah during December are a fun family tradition. See the schedule & purchase tickets online here. 

Also, a Saturday showing of FREE Christmas cartoons and FREE Polar Express Party will be @ Trustees Theater on Broughton Street in downtown Savannah on Sat. Dec. 18

HOME ALONE @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts
SAT. DEC. 4,  3PM
$5 ticket gets you a “Little Neros” PIZZA gummy giveaway and other fun surprises.
Tickets: $5. Purchase tickets online here.

WHITE CHRISTMAS @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts
SAT. DEC. 4, 7PM
Tickets: $5. Purchase tickets online here.

Tickets: $5. Purchase tickets online here.

SAT. DEC. 18, 11AM
Sing “Fah who Foraze, Dah who doraze” and welcome Christmas by bringing your cheer to an hour of treasured family holiday cartoons — “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” — on the big screen. Complete with festive giveaways for young moviegoers.
At this sensory friendly screening, audience members can enjoy a positive, stress-free matinee at the movies in a safe and accepting environment — lights turned up slightly, sound turned down slightly, attendees can make noise and move about the theater, and no sssshhhing.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

SAT. DEC. 18, 3PM
You’ll be able to watch it with a special sleigh bell to ring while wearing your most comfy Christmas jammies.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE @ Trustees Theater  (FREE)
SAT. DEC. 18, 7PM
Ring your bell when an angel get his wings and enjoy this quintessential holiday classic with your family, friends, and neighbors.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

Details on all of the above here. 

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Sleigh Ride-themed Kindermusik Musical Playdates for ages 0-7

Monday, November 29th, 2021

kindermusik savannah pooler kids events holiday christmas

Bundle up for a ride on the one-horse open sleigh! The bells are ringing, the snow is falling, and we’re making jingly music together. Join Kindermusik Savannah with your 0-7 year old for their cozy & wintry December playdate: Sleigh Ride!

Parents and children together will engage with instruments, singing, moving, dancing, story time, and more delightful activities in this exciting one-time Kindermusik class. Limited spaces! Claim your child’s spot before it fills.

Sat. Dec. 18 2021 at 10AM. Enroll online at Spaces limited.

Kindermusik…music now, skills for life.

Location: Kindermusik with 88 Keys, 183 Deerfield Rd W, Bloomingdale GA 31302


Kindermusik Savannah is a advertiser 

Santa & Mrs. Claus arrive on fire engine @ Holiday Festival in the Park, Pooler

Monday, November 29th, 2021

Santa visits free Pooler 2021 Christmas kids events free Savannah Chatham County

Holiday Festival in the Park in Pooler
Dec. 4, 2021, noon-6PM
There will be Food Trucks, Marketplace Vendors, Games for everyone, and Santa & Mrs. Claus will be there to arrive on a fire engine at 1PM.

Learn more here. 

Free Holiday Tree Lighting @ Telfair Museums’ Jepson Center, Savannah

Wednesday, November 24th, 2021

free Savannah holiday tree lighting Jepson Center Telfair Museums

Holiday Tree Lighting
Dec. 2 2021
Jepson Center
Free and open to the public

Help Telfair Museums kick off the holiday season with a tree lighting celebration @ the Jepson Center in Savannah, sparking joy and bringing the community under one roof. Festivities will include a hands-on children’s craft activity, hot cocoa, and cookies. The theme of this year’s new, 18-foot tree draws inspiration from Georgia and will be on view until January 5.

Learn more here. 


Telfair Museums is a advertiser 

Family-friendly Savannah Music Festival concerts in Savannah

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021

Savannah Music Festival SMF holiday family concerts Savannah

Everyone is welcome @ these upcoming family-friendly concerts in Savannah.

Musical Explorers Family Concert
Sun. Dec. 5 2021, 2–4 PM, Forsyth Park Bandshell

Featuring Laiken Love, Anders Thomsen and Gino Castillo and the Cuban Cowboys

Join Musical Explorers young and old for a family-friendly concert and experience Savannah Music Festival’s popular Musical Explorers program live at Forsyth Park.


SMF Jazz Academy Fall Concert
Fri. Dec. 10 2021, 7PM
Savannah Cultural Arts Center

SMF Jazz Academy is proud to present its first in-person concert! Featuring five jazz combos and two melodica ensembles, students in Savannah’s only free after-school jazz program will present a program featuring a diverse selection of music from the jazz tradition.



Big Band Holidays: Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis
@ Savannah Civic Center
SAT. DEC. 11, 2021, 3-4:30 PM

Every December, the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis presents this Grammy Award–winning holiday extravaganza. With soulful big band arrangements of songs both sacred and secular, Big Band Holidays is an uplifting tradition enjoyed by audiences of all ages and backgrounds. In addition to some swinging JLCO instrumentals, virtuosic vocalist Alita Moses joins the band for imaginative new versions of classics like “White Christmas” and “Merry Christmas, Baby.”
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year alongside your fellow music lovers at matinee and evening performances.
Everyone is invited! A 50% ticket discount is available for children under 12 years of age for the 3 PM performance.
Find tickets online here.

Half off tickets for children 12 and younger!
Call the Savannah Box Office at 912.525.5050 to purchase discounted tickets (Monday–Friday, 10 AM–3 PM). Restrictions apply.


Savannah Music Festival is a advertiser 

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Santa Train is back @ Georgia State Railroad Museum

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Santa Train Georgia State Railroad Museum Coastal Heritage Society 2021

Savannah Santa Train
Sat. Dec. 18, 2021, 9AM-5PM
@ Georgia State Railroad Museum, 655 Louisville Rd., Savannah
Featuring a holiday-themed diesel locomotive train ride experience, live demonstrations by Lowcountry Turners artfully hand-crafting toys available for purchase, caroling by Savannah Stage Company, and merry dancing with Minick Family Music. Decorate a holiday card to send to families at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire, or enjoy complimentary donuts and coffee provided by The Salvation Army’s Mobile Canteen. Santa Claus will visit with the children to hear their Christmas wishes.
Members of Coastal Heritage Society receive a discounted ticket rate of $12 per person. Train rides are available every twenty minutes, but seats are very limited, so please select a time to reserve your spot on the train.
Buy tickets online here.


Savannah Santa Train, one of the largest annual holiday events in the lowcountry, will take place on Sat. December 18, 2021 from 9AM-5PM at Georgia State Railroad Museum, located at 655 Louisville Rd., Savannah, GA 31401.

Festive activities and entertainment include a holiday-themed diesel locomotive train ride experience, live demonstrations by Lowcountry Turners artfully hand-crafting spinning tops and dreidels available for purchase, caroling by Savannah Stage Company, and merry dancing with Minick Family Music. Decorate a holiday card to send to families at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Lowcountry, or enjoy complimentary donuts and coffee provided by The Salvation Army’s Mobile Canteen. Santa Claus will visit with all the children and hear their Christmas wishes.

Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches from The Big Cheese food truck and frozen sweet treats from Leopold’s Ice Cream will be available for purchase.

Savannah Santa Train is hosted each year by Georgia State Railroad Museum and Savannah Children’s Museum. Tickets are $15 per person for all guests eighteen months and up and pre-registration is required. Parking at Georgia State Railroad Museum is limited.

Pre-registration is required and opens on Mon. Nov. 22 2021. Register online here.


Coastal Heritage Society is a advertiser 

(Savannah Holidays 2021) Breakfast with Santa @ Tanger Outlets

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

breakfast with santa savannah pooler tanger outlets 2021

Breakfast with Santa 2021 @ Tanger Outlets, Savannah

Come to Metro Diner @ Tanger Outlets Savannah for Breakfast with Santa this Thurs. Dec. 2 2021 @ 9am.

RSVP online here by Nov. 30th. Space is limited.

Price includes holiday themed pancake breakfast, gift mug with hot chocolate, craft, train ride, Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt, Santa hat pop-it prize, and selfies with Santa.

Classic Family Christmas Movies @ Lucas & Trustees theatres, Savannah

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

Christmas movies 2021 Lucas theater Kids Savannah Chatham County

Holiday Family Movies @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts & Trustees Theatre, Savannah 

Holiday classic movies @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts in downtown Savannah during December are a fun family tradition. See the schedule & purchase tickets online here. 

Also, a Saturday showing of FREE Christmas cartoons and FREE Polar Express Party will be @ Trustees Theater on Broughton Street in downtown Savannah on Sat. Dec. 18

HOME ALONE @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts
SAT. DEC. 4,  3PM
$5 ticket gets you a “Little Neros” PIZZA gummy giveaway and other fun surprises.
Tickets: $5. Purchase tickets online here.

WHITE CHRISTMAS @ Lucas Theatre for the Arts
SAT. DEC. 4, 7PM
Tickets: $5. Purhase tickets online here.

Tickets: $5. Purchase tickets online here.

SAT. DEC. 18, 11AM
Sing “Fah who Foraze, Dah who doraze” and welcome Christmas by bringing your cheer to an hour of treasured family holiday cartoons — “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” — on the big screen. Complete with festive giveaways for young moviegoers.
At this sensory friendly screening, audience members can enjoy a positive, stress-free matinee at the movies in a safe and accepting environment — lights turned up slightly, sound turned down slightly, attendees can make noise and move about the theater, and no sssshhhing.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

SAT. DEC. 18, 3PM
You’ll be able to watch it with a special sleigh bell to ring while wearing your most comfy Christmas jammies.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE @ Trustees Theater  (FREE)
SAT. DEC. 18, 7PM
Ring your bell when an angel get his wings and enjoy this quintessential holiday classic with your family, friends, and neighbors.
Admission is FREE with a donation of a non-perishable food item for Second Harvest.

Details on all of the above here. 

Teen night workshops @ SCAD Museum of Art

Saturday, November 13th, 2021

SCAD teen night jewelry museum

Teen ornament making workshop @ SCAD Museum of Art, 4-6PM Fri. Nov. 19

Teens take over SCAD MOA at these artist workshops.

Supplies included. All skill levels welcome. Boxed dinner provided.

Sign up!
Kristin Poitras
Coordinator of museum visitation

See teen night dates and listings on the museum event calendar.


Nov. 19
Glam up the holidays
Adorn a custom-beaded ornament inspired by Christian Siriano’s showstopping designs in People Are People and avant-garde rings in
Ring Redux: The Susan Grant Lewin Collection.


teen nights scad museum art

Dec. 10
Conjure kami spirits at LARP workshop
Tour Japanese artist Izumi Kato’s exhibition Stand By You. Then inhabit Kato’s spectral creatures at this live-action role playing workshop.


Dec. 17
Make cookie-cutter cool
Customize cookies styled like works on view, with Brittany Richmond, SCAD MOA assistant curator


SCAD Museum of Art
601 Turner Blvd.
Savannah, Ga.


SCAD Museum of Art is a advertiser