Ten percent off waxing services @ Park West Salon

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

park-west-orginal-21You put off waxing all spring. Now it’s June, the pool is open, the beach is calling,  yet you’re no where near bikini-ready.

Fortunately, being a SouthernMamas reader has its advantages.

Including a discount on waxing at the posh new Park West Salon, 106 W. Gwinnett St.  Mention SouthernMamas at Park West and you’ll receive 10 percent off the already reasonably priced waxing services listed to the right.

Talk about a welcome-summer treat.

Park West is located in the former location of ROBS on Forsyth. It’s @ the corner of Whitaker and Gwinnett  facing Forsyth Park. Parking in this area isn’t the headache that it is in much of downtown Savannah. There are plenty of side streets with FREE parking.

So take advantage of your savvy SouthernMamas status and get swimsuit ready, while keeping your rep as a thrifty mama intact.

Call 912.349.4856.  Become a fan of Park West Salon on Facebook by clicking here.