Kids and teen yoga classes at The Yoga Room in Savannah
Sunday, October 10th, 2010Kids and teen yoga is now offered at The Yoga Room, 115 Charlotte Road, on Whitemarsh Island.
Ages 4-8 Tuesdays 4-5 PM
Ages 9-12 Thursdays 4-5 PM
Teen yoga, 13 and up Saturdays 4-5 PM
For cost and more info, click here.
Register by calling 912-898-0361 or emailing
AGES 4-8: Children in this age group benefit greatly from the focus and gentleness that yoga brings in a time when kids mind’s tend to be over-stimulated by television, computer games, and today’s fast paced lifestyle. This class stimulates creativity, regulates adrenal glands to better control times of possible aggression or excitability, tones all internal organs and promotes health, builds coordination, strength, and agility, and equalizes energy.
AGES 9-12: This class strives to increase concentration for students, improving in all areas including schoolwork. Practicing yoga will aid in balancing out the pineal and pituitary glands to correct any sadness or gloominess that girls may experience at this age. Yoga also helps to create a healthy body image, improves posture, instills the ability to relax, and provides a healthy way to experiment and take risks. It cultivates a sense of gratitude; enables letting go of the tendency to be critical of one’s self and judgmental of others. Children will learn to calm themselves and better manage stress. The class will assist in building self-esteem and creating a connection with their own body, environment, and the food they eat. Kids who practice yoga also tend to choose better foods to eat and are able to engage in more physical activity than those who do not.
TEEN YOGA: Yoga improves performance in sporting activities like baseball, softball, soccer, football, cheerleading, ballet, tennis, etc. It improves circulation, digestion, and respiration to provide more energy. Yoga for teens increases flexibility and builds balance, promotes self-awareness, increases focus, and relieves stress. Teens that practice yoga learn to better regulate their own emotions. For girls, yoga will aid in establishing an easy and regular menstrual cycle. This class explores ways to honor yourself, others, and all living things. For teenagers, the intensity and duration of the asanas can be increased during practice, as well as focusing on breath control. Yoga for Teens is a great way to meet new people, socialize, and have a lot of fun.