(Therapists, Counselors, Savannah) Low Country Counseling

Savannah therapists Low Country Counseling

Low Country Counseling in Savannah

Madeleine Shaver @ Low Country Counseling in Savannah works in a private practice setting specializing in eating disorders and chemical dependency.

Treatment focus also includes resolving underlying trauma and subsequent codependency issues. She provides psychotherapy for those seeking a new way to live in recovery in these identified areas.

General therapeutic services are also addressed- primarily coping strategies for mood disorders, anxiety or OCD, stress management, unwanted chaos, or building supportive relationships.

Her practice offers group therapy for women with problematic over-eating patterns. She has a passion for helping others understand themselves, their relationships with loved ones, and finding freedom through recovery.

Learn more about Savannah therapist Madeline Shaver here. 

If you or a loved one is in need of support, Low Country Counseling offers specialized therapy for individuals, moms, couples, families, and teens. Contact Low Country Counseling for any questions or to schedule an appointment. Help is available.

Low Country Counseling is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser 

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