FREE Refuge Discovery Day; Free preschool Young Explorers nature program @ Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Discover YOUR National Wildlife Refuge in Savannah/Hardeeville.
Join the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a day of free, family fun at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Visitor Center on Saturday, March 10 2018, 10AM-3:30PM.
Discovery Day will be filled with fun, wildlife-related educational activities for all ages.
Have you ever wondered what a biologist, a wildland firefighter, an archaeologist, a forester or a refuge manager does on a National Wildlife Refuge? This is your chance to learn! Learn about wildland fire with hands-on activities involving real fire equipment; try your luck at target shooting with a bow while learning about our Refuge hunt programs; gain a better understanding of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s role in protecting endangered species; learn why water management matters to wildlife on Savannah National Wildlfie Refuge; get close up with a variety of reptiles, and much more.
All activities will be at the Savannah NWR Visitor Center located at 694 Beech Hill Lane Hardeeville, SC (off U.S. 17, approximately 7 miles north of Savannah, GA and 7 miles south of Hardeeville, SC).
For more information on this rain or shine event, call 843-784-2468.
Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex
694 Beech Hill Ln
Hardeeville, South Carolina 29927
The Savannah National Wildlife Refuge hosts a preschoolers “Young Explorers Club” on the first Tuesday of each month.
The free, hour-long monthly program for 3-4 year-olds starts at 10AM on the first Tuesday of each month. There will be story time, crafts, snacks, and take-home activities all about this month’s topic.
The programs are at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center (694 Beech Hill Lane Hardeeville, SC 29927).
Each month, a different animal or method of conservation will be highlighted. Juniors of Girl Scout Troop 30387 have designed the monthly programs as their service project for completing the Bronze Award. The themes are:
February – Lady Bugs
March – Plants
April – Recycle
May – Baby Birds
June – Alligators
July – Sea Turtles
August – Spiders
September – Fish
October – Butterflies
November – Turkeys
December – Ducks
For more information, please contact Joel Vos at (843) 784-2468.
Learn more here.