Savannah schools: St. Andrew’s School gets a new STEM iLab
We love this! St. Andrew’s School – a private school on Wilmington Is. in Savannah – has a new STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) iLab.
Approximately 1,500 square feet of underutilized, existing space in the St. Andrew’s Lower School has been transformed into a STEM Interactive Lab.
The project, designed and completed by JT Turner, includes an adaptable lab and separate classroom with teleconferencing capabilities.
Today donors were invited to officially dedicate the space and cut the ribbon. Second grade students wasted no time. As the scissors sliced through the ribbon, these eager students were ready to start their hands-on science lesson.
This addition enhances the school’s ability to provide interactive instruction in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Front Row: Lower School Students
Back Row (L to R): Dr. Kelley Waldron (Lower School Head), Kris Powers, Josh & Kelley Keller, Dale Holloway ’82 (Board Chair), Jim Sheffield, Neil Johnson, Mark Toth (Head of School)
St. Andrew’s School received recognition as one of the most challenging high schools in the nation. This marks the third year in a row for the Savannah private school to receive the honor.
St. Andrew’s School, 601 Penn Waller Rd, Savannah, 31410. 912.897.4941, email On Facebook here. On Twitter here. St. Andrew’s is a advertiser.