You’re invited: Stroller Strong Moms demo at Georgia Game Changers Running Co., Richmond Hill

Stroller Strong Moms  classdemo in Richomond Hill Come to a Stroller Strong Moms  Demonstration at Georgia Game Changers Running Co. in Richmond Hill at 11:30AM Tues, March 12.

SSM Savannah will provide a demonstration outside of Georgia Game Changers for moms who are interested in seeing what we are all about! All moms who attend will be entered into a drawing to receive a free 1 month membership. There will be some awesome prizes and giveaways!

Click on this Facebook event link here for more info.

Georgia Game Changers Running Co. is at 60 Exchange Place, C-3, Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324

Stroller Strong Moms, 12 East Park Ave. Savannah, 31401, email , Stroller Strong Moms is a advertiser.

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