Archive for the ‘Halloween 2018’ Category

Donate your candy: Savannah Halloween Candy Give-Back 2018, Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry

Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

Halloween Candy Give Back Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry Savannah dentists 2018

Here’s a way your kids can protect their teeth from too much Halloween candy & show appreciation to our U.S. troops.

Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry in Savannah will collect your kids’ extra and leftover Halloween candy & send the candy to our troops overseas through  Operation Gratitude.

Kids can donate their Halloween candy @ Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry and it will be sent to our troops overseas. Everyone wins by participating in the program kids improve their oral health & support our men and women overseas.

The rules:
1. Drop unused, wrapped candy off between the dates of Nov. 1- Nov. 6 2018. Monday-Thursday 8AM-5PM and
Friday 8AM-2PM.
2. By donating each person will be entered to win Starbucks and Amazon gift cards.
3. Enjoy giving back to our troops overseas

Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry
4849 Paulsen St., Suite 101
Savannah, GA 31405
912-298-KIDS (5437)


About Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry

Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry of Savannah specializes in children. Board-certified pediatric dentist Dr. Krista Hinchey and her team are experts on the growing smile.

Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry accepts the following insurance: Amerigroup, CareSource, PeachState and Well Care (these are all Georgia Medicaid) The other main ones accepted @ Dogwood are United Concordia/Tricare (military), Ameritas, MetLife and Cigna. 

Stay connected with Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry and learn more about this new Savannah pediatric dentist practice by liking the practice on Facebook here. 

Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry,, 4849 Paulsen St., Suite 101, Savannah 31405, 912-298-KIDS (5437), email Dogwood Pediatric Dentistry is a advertiser 

Pumpkin Patch farms & Fall family fun near Savannah

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

pumpkin patches savannah

It finally feels like Fall.

Visit the Fall Fun Guide 2018 here to find pumpkin patches, fall festivals, Halloween fun & more.

Check out the pumpkin patches below. This upcoming weekend is your last chance to make it to Poppell Farms pumpkin patch & corn maze near Jesup, Ga. this season. Holiday Farms pumpkin patch & hayrides in Ridgeland SC will be open through Oct. 31.


Pumpkin Patches

Hayrides, corn cribs, cow trains, hayrides, corn mazes & more. It’s all part of the pumpkin patch farm tradition. While Savannah isn’t a pumpkin-growing climate, we’re thrilled that we have our fair share of agritourism here with various pumpkin patch farms near Savannah.

Here are some favorites:

Poppell Farms pumpkin patch, corn maze, hayrides, barnyard, cow train. Open every weekend in October through this Sun. Oct. 28. Details here. 

Holiday Farms pumpkin patch, hayrides, pig races, farm activities. Holiday Farms is open from Oct. 4-31 2018.  Details here.  

Pooler Pumpkin Patch & kids activities, Oct. 13-31 @ Risen Savior Lutheran Church with a Family Fall Festival Oct. 27-28. Open to the public. Details here. 

Savannah pumpkin patch farms hayrides corn maze

Scary in the Dairy 2018 Halloween Festival, Savannah

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Scary in the Dairy 2018 Savannah

Come to the Historic Roberds Dairy for Scary in the Dairy 2018 Halloween Festival this Sun Oct. 28 2018 @ the old Roberds Dairy at the end of Tennessee Avenue, Thunderbolt.

Enjoy haunted hay rides,horse rides, bouncy house, games, music and food for the whole family.

Join the amazing PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST @ 6PM and win horse back riding lessons or Monster Medalions. Proceeds will benefits the Pegasus Riding Academy new Veterans Program.

Scary in the Dairy 2018
Sun. Oct. 28 4-8PM
Hosted by Pegasus Riding Academy Savannah


Pumpkin Carving Contest, 6PM

Prizes for Best Pumpkins. Elementary, junior-high & high school divisions. Gift certificates for adult winners.
Winning pumpkins will be auctioned off to benefit Pegasus Riding Academy’s new veteran’s program.


See the complete list of Fall Festivals 2018 in the Savannah & Lowcountry area in our Fall Family Fun Guide.

Savannah Halloween 2018 Trick or Treat Time

Friday, October 19th, 2018

Halloween Trick or Treat Times Savannah 2018


Savannah Halloween Trick or Treat Time
5-8PM Wed. Oct. 31 2018

Halloween is coming up fast! Savannah Police Department is recommending trick or treating occur on Halloween Oct. 31, 5-8PM

Find Savannah police Halloween safety tips here.


Halloween 2018 Pumpkin Painting with Savannah Police

Pumpkin Painting with Savannah Police

5:30-7:30PM Tues. Oct. 30 2018
Come out and enjoy pumpkin painting, a magic show, games, music, bounce houses, McGruff and CANDY!
Wear your costume & bring your candy bag
SPD Headquarters, 201 Habersham St. Savannah, 31401 (Free parking onsite)

FREE & open to the public




Colonial Haunted Trail Tour @ Wormsloe State Historic Site, Savannah

Friday, October 19th, 2018

Wormsloe State Historic Site Savannah

Wormsloe’s Colonial Haunted Trail Tour @ Wormsloe State Historic Site, Savannah

Fri. Oct 26, 2018 (7:15 PM)
Sat. Oct 27, 2018 (7:15 PM)

A ranger will guide you into the past to site of colonist Nobel Jones. Keep close together as you explore the trail and hopefully you will be safe from the zombies, ghosts and ghouls drifting under the looming oak tree and Spanish moss. Who knows what ghouls have been disturbed!

Tours will depart from the Visitors Center every 15 minutes beginning at 7:15PM. Wormsloe’s gate will open at 6:30PM. Last tour tickets will be sold at 9PM. Tours will continue until 10:00 pm as needed. Tour lasts approximately 45 minutes. The gate will close when all tours are sold out.

Not recommended for children under the age of 6.

Admission: $9.50 – $15
Would you like to purchase tickets? Have a question? Call: 912-353-3023

Wormsloe State Historic Site
7601 Skidaway Rd
Savannah, GA 31406


See the complete list of Fall Festivals 2018 in the Savannah & Lowcountry area in our Fall Family Fun Guide.


Crunchy Kids Halloween Trick-or-Treat 2018, Savannah

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Crunchy Halloween Trick or Treat Savannah 2018

You’re invited for a safe and fun trick-or-treat experience for health- and eco-conscious Savannah-area families.

Come Sat. Oct 27 2018, 2:30-4:30PM at Forsyth Park in Savannah. At 3:30PM, the group will begin the costume parade around the circle and allow the kids to pick up their treats. Feel free to stay after to play if you wish.

Sat. Oct. 27, 2:30-4:30PM
Forsyth Park
621 Drayton St.
Savannah, GA 31401

What should you bring & more FAQ answers here.

Live production of Hocus Pocus, Savannah

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Hocus Pocus Savannah Arts Academy 2018

This live production of HOCUS POCUS Oct. 26-Oct. 28 2018 @ Savannah Arts Academy is filled with your favorite Halloween characters and tunes.  Come for a kid-friendly spook-tacular time.

Hosted by Savannah Arts Academy Dance Department.


FRI Oct. 26 2018: 7-PM
SAT Oct. 27 2018: 1-3PM & 7-9PM
SUN Oct. 28 2018: 2-4PM

Buy tickets online here.

Savannah Arts Academy
500 Washington Ave.
Savannah, GA 31405

Kid-friendly activities @ Moonlight Garden Ride, Savannah

Friday, October 12th, 2018


Moonlight Garden Ride Savannah 10th Annual 2018

10th Annual Moonlight Garden Ride

Did you know that Savannah’s favorite annual bicycling event is kid-friendly?

In addition to the ride, Stroller Strong Moms will have some on-the-field fun at Grayson Stadium after the ride.

There will also be balance bike races around the bases for the younger riders.

10th Annual Moonlight Garden Ride
5-10PM Sat. Oct. 20 2018
Historic Grayson Stadium
1401 E Victory Dr, Savannah, Georgia 31404
Tickets available here.

After a casually-paced, police-escorted ride travels through Savannah’s most beautiful neighborhoods, then returns to Grayson Stadium for live music, food and beverages, and fun.

Proceeds benefit the non-profit Savannah Bicycle Campaign.

Join hundreds of other cyclists and see Savannah in an unforgettable way on the Midnight Garden Ride, presented by Chatham Orthopaedic Associates.


Savannah Mountain Biking SEGA-SORBA Morning Marsh Madness

Morning Marsh Madness 2018, Oct. 20 2018 on Skidaway Island, Savannah

Registration is open for SEGA SORBA’s Morning Marsh Madness 2018.

Off-road race, fun race, family fun all for one low price. Do one or both.

Register online here. 

Two Family Friendly Events for the price of One! Come enjoy the Early Bird off-road race at 8:30AM Sat. Oct. 20 2018 and race one, two, or three laps depending on your skill level.

Then at 10:30AM enjoy wearing your pajamas or dressing up in your goofiest outfit and riding your beach cruiser, 90’s bike, or whatever contraption you can find, at the Sleepy Head fun race. Just a short race with the craziest most fun getup you can find.

Meant to complement SBC’s Moonlight Garden Ride This is your opportunity to have off road fun in the morning before you head over to Moonlight Garden Ride in the evening.

Choose to just race the Sleepy Head or the Early Bird, or both. One inexpensive registration for both events. T-Shirt Included. Register online here. 

Skidaway Island – Preist Landing Trail
McWhorter Dr
Savannah, GA 31411



Giveaway: A family four-pack of tickets to Poppell Farms pumpkin patch, corn maze

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

Poppell Farms pumpkin patch corn maze Savannah

UPDATE: The winner is Robin Ritenour Jenkins ! Congratulations! Robin, please email us at 

Tickets giveaway: We’re giving away four tickets to Poppell Farms pumpkin patch, corn maze.

Enter to win: Just go to the FB page & tell us your favorite Halloween costume- your own, your kids’, your hubby’s, your friend’s, anyone’s. This giveaway is faster than most. We’ll wrap it up by 10PM Wed. Oct. 11 & announce the winner soon after.

Be sure to visit Poppell Farms this month. The farm is open every October weekend. Corn maze, hayrides, farm fun. Feed animals in the petting farm, try steer roping, Spyder Slyder and the all-time kids’ favorite, crop hoppers for big kids, which are giant jumping air pillows that have kids giggling upon their first bounce.

Learn more about Poppell Farms including hours & special events here.

Poppell Farms, email , (912) 586-2215, 1765 Hyma Poppell Loop, Odum, 31555 . On Facebook here. Poppell Farms is a advertiser



(Savannah Fall Festivals 2018) Pooler Pumpkin Patch & Fall Festival

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

pumpkin patch risen savior pooler 2018

Pumpkin Patch & Fall Festival  in Pooler

Pumpkin Patch Oct. 13-31

Pumpkin Patch fun in Pooler begins Sat. Oct. 13.

Pumpkin bowling, scarecrow games, pumpkin tic-tac-toe & more @ Risen Savior Lutheran Church Pumpkin Patch 2018– designed to be a quality and safe fall activity for your family to enjoy.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Oct. 13-31 2018
Monday-Friday, 11AM-7PM
Saturday-Sunday, Noon-7PM

Free admission w/ some extra activities at a fee. Pumpkin prices vary with sizes. The Pumpkin Patch has things to do for all ages.

Pooler Fall Festival Oct. 27-28 

October 27-28 2018, Noon-5PM will be a festival weekend join with some additional activities for all ages (Pumpkin patch will be open until 7PM):

  • Vendors
  • Bounce Houses
  • Carnival Games & Raffle Baskets
  • Face Painting
  • Bake Sale
  • Pumpkins for sale

PLEASE NOTE: The pumpkin patch is open from noon to 7PM on Oct. 27-28 but the fall festival festivities end at 5PM.

Risen Savior Christian Academy, 1755 Quacco Road, Pooler, Ga. 313122, 912.925.9431 Risen Savior Christian Academy is a advertiser. 



(Hilton Head, Bluffton Halloween events) Spookalicious @ The Sandbox Children Museum

Saturday, September 29th, 2018

Spookalicious Halloween Sandbox Children's Museum

Bring your ghosts and goblins dressed in their costumes to play to Spookalicious @ The Sandbox Children’s Museum on Hilton Head Is.

Themed crafts and activities. Decorate a special Halloween cookie. Scavenger hunt for a bag of treats.
Special Saturday Admission: $5 per person age 1 & older. Up to 12 months is free
(Sorry, coupons not valid for this event)

Spookalicious @ The Sandbox Children’s Museum 
Sat. Oct. 27, 2018, 10AM-5PM
The Sandbox Children’s Museum
18 Pope Ave, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928


Make Take Play Sandbox Children's Museum


Make, Take and Playday Fun Series

The Sandbox Children’s Museum
18 Pope Ave, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928

Need a break from Sunday Football? Crave some crafting time while your child plays? Come to The Sandbox for this fun new series designed for moms, dads, grandparents, or caregivers. While your child plays in the museum and engages in a STEM based craft (supervised by our staff), you can get your pinterest on by crafting and making in our loft!
Monthly Themes
October: Halloween DIY Home Décor Project: Oct. 7 2018
November: Thanksgiving DIY Home Décor Project: Nov. 4 2018
December: Christmas DIY Home Décor Project: Dec. 2 2018
$30 per adult ($25 for members) includes materials for craft/project and admission for (1) child ($5 for each additional child)
***Children must be age 3+ ***
Sign up for all 3 sessions for $75 ($60 for members)
Call 843-842-7645 to reserve
Space limited to 10 slots

The Sandbox Children’s Museum, 18-A Pope Avenue, next to St. Andrew’s by the Sea United Methodist Church, Hilton Head Is., 29928 The Sandbox Children’s Museum is a advertiser


Savannah/Pooler Fall Festivals 2018

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

See the complete list of Fall Festivals 2018 in the Savannah & Lowcountry area in our Fall Family Fun Guide.

Here are a few more:

Free Halloween FunFest Pooler

FREE West Chatham YMCA Trunk or Treat
Hosted by YMCA of Coastal GA – West Chatham Branch
Fri. Oct. 26, 2018, 5:30-7:30PM

Come for a Family Fun night filled with spooky fun
This event is free and open to the public!

YMCA of Coastal GA – West Chatham Branch
165 Isaac G Laroche Dr
Pooler, GA 31322


Pooler Fall Festival & Marketplace
Sat. Oct. 27, 2018, Noon-5PM
Pooler Recreation Complex (behind the YMCA)
200 Preston Stokes Dr.
Pooler, GA 31322

Vendor goods, rides, music, food and family fun for everyone
For pricing info, contact the Pooler Chamber of Commerce at 912-748-0110 or via email at


Effingham County Fair 2018, Oct. 22-27
Springfield Fairgrounds
Admission is $5 for ages 5 & older; free for ages 5 & younger. Additional fees for rides etc.
Weekdays 5-9PM
Sat. Oct. 27 Gates open @ 1PM
See the schedule here. 


Trick or Treat on River Street
NEW TIME: 1-4PM Sat. Oct. 27 2018
Hosted by Savannah Waterfront
Kids can enjoy trick or treating at River Street businesses.



Pumpkin Patch Farms, Corn Mazes, Hayrides near Savannah, 2018

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

Savannah pumpkin patch farms, hayrides, corn mazes, pig races 2018 Fall

Hayrides, corn cribs, cow trains, hayrides, corn mazes & more. It’s all part of the pumpkin patch farm tradition. While Savannah isn’t a pumpkin-growing climate, we’re thrilled that we have our fair share of agritourism here with various pumpkin patch farms near Savannah.

Here are some favorites:

Poppell Farms pumpkin patch, corn maze, hayrides, barnyard. Grand opening for fall season 2018 is Sept. 29 2018. Open every weekend through Sun. Oct. 28. Details here. 

Holiday Farms pumpkin patch, hayrides, pig races, farm activities. Holiday Farms is open from Oct. 4-31 2018.  Oct. 6 will be Military Appreciation Day. All active military will receive 50% off admission price with proper ID. Details here.  

FOR FALL FESTIVALS 2018 in Savannah, visit our Fall Family Fun Guide 2018 here. 

(Savannah Fall Festivals 2018) Frogwarts Harry-Potter inspired-event, Oct. 14

Monday, September 17th, 2018


Frogwarts Savannah Harry Potter 2018

Save the date: Frogwarts annual Harry-Potter inspired event hosted by Coastal Heritage Society in Savannah will be Sun. Oct. 14, 2018, 11AM-3PM. Register online for tickets to Frogwarts here. 

Georgia State Railroad Museum and Savannah Children’s Museum will transform into a magical fall festival for a Harry Potter-themed day of fun

At Frogwarts, families are transported into a whimsical world at Frogwarts School of Magic. This year’s classes will include Wand Making, Potions, Fortune Telling, Defense Against the Dark Arts: Glow in the Dark Fun!, Care of Magical Creatures with Georgia Reptile Society, Quill Writing, Herbology, Muggle Studies and Quidditch. Attendees can also take a ride on our steam locomotive, the “Frogwarts Express”.

Students of Frogwart’s School of Magic begin their experience by riding on the Frogwarts Express, the fully operational steam locomotive. They are then greeted by Hagrid and escorted to make their wands, be selected for their house by the sorting hat, and participate in a variety of Frogwarts classes such as Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and the hugely popular Potions Class.

Some CHS community partners will also be leading workshops, including Snapology with Harry Potter LEGO building, Savannah Stage Company with a cast of some of our favorite Harry Potter characters, and the Solar System Ambassadors providing Astronomy lessons. Leopold’s Ice Cream will be on-site serving Harry Potter inspired sweet treats.

Costume contest: “Frogwarts” guests in outstanding costumes will be selected to participate in our costume contest. The winners will receive some cool prizes.


Tickets are limited, so be sure to pre-register for your chance to join the fun. Please note that day-of tickets are first come, first served and a train ride is not guaranteed.

Register online for tickets to Frogwarts here. 

Coastal Heritage Society members receive priority boarding on the Frogwarts Express. Get info on how to become a member here. 

Savannah Children’s Museum & Georgia State Railroad Museum, 655 Louisville Rd., Savannah, 31401 Coastal Heritage Society is a advertiser 



Holiday Farms Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides open Oct. 4-31, Ridgeland, S.C.

Friday, September 14th, 2018


pumpkin patches farms hayrides corn maze Holiday Farms Savannah

The 11th Annual The Great Pumpkin Patch @ Holiday Farms  will be open for the 2018 season from Oct. 4-Oct. 31 2018  in nearby Ridgeland, SC, about a 1 hour from Savannah.

Spend a day on Holiday Farms enjoying: Jumppad, Bounce house, Haytona Speedway, Duck Race, Cow Milking, Steer Roping, Corn Grinding, Barnyard Zoo, Barrel Racing and, of course, a hayride to the pumpkin patch. And our personal favorite, Pigtucky Derby (pig races).

Holiday Farms is open weekdays & weekends starting Oct. 4 until Oct. 31 2018

pumpkin patches hayrides farms Holiday Savannah Hilton Head Field Trips

Holiday Farms offers field trips for schools, churches, scout groups, and more. Reservations now being taken for groups and field trips. You may reach Holiday Farms by phone at 843-726-5527 or email

Military Discount Day

Special Military Day on Sat. October 6 2018
All active duty military, spouses, and children will receive 50% off admission with proper ID.

jumppadHoliday Farms 2018 Schedule & Hours

Open Dates 2018:
Oct. 4-Oct.31

Concessions and Entertainment on Saturdays 11AM-4PM and Sundays 1-4PM

Monday – Thursday 9AM-2PM
Friday – Saturday 9AM-dark (last wagon ride leaves at 6PM)
Sunday 1PM-5PM

Pig Race Schedule:
Monday – Thursday 11AM & 1PM
Friday – Saturday 11AM, 1PM & 3PM


Family owned and operated since 2008.

Stay connected about other events at Holiday Farms by liking their Facebook page here.

Holiday Farms, 10884 Grays Hwy, Ridgeland, SC 29936, (843) 726-5527, email  Holiday Farms is a advertiser 



(Savannah Moms Groups) FREE Halloween Open House with MOMS Club of Savannah

Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

moms club savannah Halloween groups


You’re invited to a free Halloween Open House with MOMS Club of Savannah  @ Lake Mayer in Savannah on Tues. Oct. 30 2018, 10AM-Noon.

Come along & meet some other moms in the area and find out what Savannah MOMS Club is all about!

Dress your little ones up for some Halloween fun (Costumes encouraged but not required).

If you would like more information or have questions, please email

Free Halloween Open House
Oct. 30 2018, 10AM-Noon
Lake Mayer
1850 E Montgomery Cross Rd.
Savannah, GA


About MOMS Club of Savannah

MOMS Club of Savannah is a group dedicated to the support of moms.

MOMS Club is not solely a group for playdates. The club is run by members and collectively members plan weekly activities, both in the morning and afternoons.

Learn more about the Savannah moms group here. 

(Savannah Fall Festivals) Fall Family Fun Guide 2018

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

Savannah Fall Festivals, Pumpkin Patches, Hayrides, Corn Mazes 2016

Savannah Fall Fun Guide 2018

Pumpkin-spice latte-fueled Fall Fun in Savannah & the Lowcountry.

Here are 50 things to do this fall – festivals, pumpkin patches, hayrides, corn mazes, Halloween fun, seafood fests, county fairs, pig races, free kids’ happenings & more.

See the Savannah-area 2018 Fall Fun list here. 


Poppell Farms pumpkin patch, hayrides & corn maze (daytrip from Savannah)

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

Poppell Farms Pumpkin Patch Hayrides Corn Maze Savannah

Is it Fall yet, y’all?

We can’t wait for the weather to cool and for Poppell family farms to open for the fall season.

If you haven’t taken your family to visit this 10-acre maze labyrinth & activity-packed farm in Odum (about six miles from Jesup), please put it on your Fall to-do list. It is well worth the drive from Savannah.

Poppell Farms  2018 Fall season is weekends Sat. Sept. 29 – Sun. Oct. 28 2018. The farm will be open every weekend through Oct. 28.

Poppell Family Farms pumpkin patch, 10-acre maze, hayrides, giant outdoor jumping pillows, barnyard & farm games & activities are open every Saturday & Sunday from Sat. Sept. 29 through Sun. Oct. 28 2018.

Online Tickets @


Tickets Giveaway 

UPDATE: Winner is Megan D. Congratulations Megan! is giving away a family-pack of tickets to Poppell family farms – the 10-acre corn maze & activity-packed farm & pumpkin patch in Odum about six miles from Jesup.

To enter to win FOUR tickets to Poppell Farms, go to the Savannah-area Fall Fun Guide 2018    Then visit the Facebook page here & comment on the page or under the giveaway post, telling us what your favorite fall event is.

We will pick a winner by 11 PM Sept. 10 & announce it here & on the Facebook page. So please check back to find out if you entered to win. UPDATE: Winner is Megan D. Congratulations Megan! 



About Poppell Farms

Take a hayride to Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Linus in the pumpkin patch, get lost in the maze, ride the cow train, feed animals in the petting farm, try steer roping, Spyder Slyder and the all-time kids’ favorite, two crop hoppers for big kids, which are giant jumping air pillows that have kids giggling upon their first bounce.

Activities include: New Pumpkin Chunkin Game; New Cluck Hill Downs – Chicken Race; Little Farmers Playground (6 & younger); Jumping Jacks Jumping Pillow (6 & younger); Baseball Pitch – How fast can you throw?

PICNIC AREAS are available for use, so bring your own food or visit Poppell Farms’ CALF-A CONCESSION STAND for hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage dogs, chicken sandwiches & fries. Candy, popcorn & treats available.

Other activities include pony rides ($5); duck races; six & younger playground (with 2 bounce houses); hop-a-long rodeo; Betsy the Milk cow contest; large catfish pond (no fishing / watch them eat)


The Haunted Carnival Trail
An 800 ft. haunted walking trail
Oct 12 & 13, Oct. 19 & 20, Oct. 26 & 27, 7-10PM
Recommended for ages 12 & older.
Open Halloween



Poppell Farms is open on Sundays, too, for those whose Saturdays are packed with kids’ sporting events.

Sat. Sept. 29-Sun. Oct. 28 2018
10 AM- 10 PM Saturdays
Noon-5 PM Sundays
(5 PM-10PM Fridays, Maze & Haunted Trail, Nighttime activities)
(5PM-10PM Saturdays, Maze & Haunted Trail, Nighttime activities)

Tickets. For ticket prices, click here.  Online tickets:


Pumpkin patches, farms, hayrides, mazes Poppell Farms Savannah

2018 Special Events

Sept. 29: Grand Opening. Military, Law Enforcement, Emergency Personnel Appreciation Day $2.00 per ticket discount (with ID)

Oct. 6: Georgia Day – Go Dawgs! Wear your UGA shirt and receive an entry into our drawing for (2) UGA vs. UMASS tickets to the game in Athens on 11/17/18. Drawing will be held at 4PM you must be present to win. Ages 16 & older.

Oct. 13: Girl Scout Day Prize Drawing and Recognition of all Girl Scouts present at 2PM.

Oct. 20: Public Safety Day. Wayne County Sheriff’s Office and the Jesup Fire Department will have Emergency Vehicles on display including The Fire Safety House for kids.

Oct. 27: Fall Fun Day. Halloween Costume Contest @ 2PM. It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Outdoor Movie showing @ 7PM.

Poppell Farms, email , (912) 586-2215, 1765 Hyma Poppell Loop, Odum, 31555 . On Facebook here. Poppell Farms is a advertiser

(Hilton Head Is. Halloween events) FREE Pumpkin Patch & Halloween Costume Contest 2018

Friday, August 17th, 2018

Pumpkin Patch 2014 Halloween Costume Contest, Hilton Head Is. Bluffton

Pumpkin Patch 2018 in Shelter Cove Community Park on Hilton Head Is. will be Sat. Oct. 27 2018, 4-8 PM.

Have the kids dress up and participate in our Halloween Costume Contest.

Candy, games and much more is available.

The festival provides a safe environment parents can take their children to start their Halloween celebration.

The target age for the event is 3-12, but everyone is welcome.

There will be a petting zoo, carnival games, costume contests & more.

No pets please.

Free for children ages 3-12. Adults are free

Learn more here.

Shelter Cove Community Park, 39 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head Island, S.C. Organized by Island Recreation Center,



(Savannah Fall Festivals) Halloween Hike 2018 @ Oatland Island Wildlife Center

Friday, August 17th, 2018

halloween hike 2018 Oatland Island Savannah

Halloween Hike 2016 Oatland Island Wildlife Center

One of our favorite Savannah kids’ Halloween events –  the Halloween Hike Oatland Island Wildlife Center , is scheduled for Fri & Sat. Oct. 19 & 20 2018.

If you’ve never taken your little trick-or-treaters to this non-scary Halloween event, make sure this is the year you do so!

Halloween Hike
Oct. 19 & 20, 2018
5PM-8PM (last hike leaves at 8PM)


Adults: $5
Children: $10

This is a fun, safe, not-so-scary fundraiser for your little trick or treaters! Walk with your trickster down our friendly forest trail to meet and gather goodies from our friendly animal characters. Let Mother Earth show you the way and sit with Mother Goose as she tells her favorite rhymes. There will be face painting, spooky crafts, and many more activities. Comfortable walking shoes and costumes are encouraged.

Concessions will be available before or after the hike.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Oatland Island Wildlife Center Wildlife, 711 Sandtown Rd. Savannah, GA, 31410 (912) 395-1212 Driving directions here.



(Savannah Halloween events) Wag-O-Ween 2018: Trick or Treating for your dog in Savannah

Friday, August 17th, 2018

Wag-O-Ween Halloween for dogs Savannah 2015

Take Rover trick-or-treating during Savannah’s 13th Annual Wag-O-Ween 2018 event, which will be Sat. Oct. 20 2018, noon to 5PM

Participants will receive a map indicating the more than 100 businesses where they may Trick or Treat with their canine companion. There will also be a costume contest and a raffle for some great prizes.

In the past this event has had 1000 participants from the greater Savannah area and that’s expected to increase this year. This event generates greatly needed funds for local pet rescue organizations.

Tickets are $5 per person and all proceeds go to benefit the Dachshund Rescue of North America and Coastal Pet Rescue. CASH ONLY.

For more information, contact Sara Portman at Canine Palace 912-508-3336 or click here .



(Hilton Head Is. Halloween events) FREE Trunk-o-ween 2018 @ Shelter Cove Towne Centre

Friday, August 17th, 2018

trunk or treat hilton head shelter cove towne center Halloween 2017

FREE Trunk-o-ween at Shelter Cove Towne Centre, Hilton Head Is.

Wed. Oct. 31 2018, 5-7PM
Shelter Cove Towne Centre
40 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

FREE & open to the public. 

This special evening provides a safe environment for families, ghouls, goblins and ghosts of all ages. This year’s “spooktacular” highlights include:

•Trick-or-Treating in car trunks and shops
•Bounce Houses
•Cappy the Clown
•Plenty of treats to fill your bag

More details here. 



Savannah Haunted Houses: Alee Shriners’ Terror Plantation

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

Alee Shriners Presents the 12th Annual Terror Plantation Haunted House in Savannah

100 Eisenburg Drive off Skidaway Road
912.355.2443 or 912.429.3059

Halloween 2018 dates for the Haunted House TBA but are typically every Friday & Saturday night in October & Oct. 31. For older kids & adults.

Hours: 7:30PM-11 PM
Cost: $10 adults; $6 kids 12 & younger. Debit/Credit

Military Discounts
Group Discounts for 6 or more

Details here.