Police Memorial Trail Reopens in Savannah, Helping Link Daffin Park to Lake Mayer
Sunday, November 7th, 2021
Police Memorial Trail Reopens in Savannah, Helping Link Daffin Park to Lake Mayer
Savannah’s Police Memorial Trail will officially reopen on Mon. Nove. 29. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for 11:30AM at the trailhead on the corner of Kerry St. and Dixie Ave., where City and County officials will gather with the Tide to Town board and members of the community to celebrate the conclusion of the five-year renovation effort.
Extending from Kerry St. to near the corner of 52nd St. and Bee Rd., the Police Memorial Trail was originally constructed by Chatham County in the 1990s but had been closed and awaiting repairs since 2016 after being damaged by Hurricane Matthew. The City of Savannah allocated nearly $600,000 for the project.
Additionally supported by the YMCA of Coastal Georgia and Healthy Savannah through funding from the Centers for Disease Control’s Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) grant, the system will eventually become a protected network of walking and biking trails that will span more than 30 miles, linking 62 of Savannah’s neighborhoods, 30 schools, hospitals, universities, waterways and recreational areas and creating activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.
The nonprofit organization Friends of Tide to Town is coordinating public and private efforts to complete the urban trail system. As of right now, Phase 2A of the section known as Truman Linear Park Trail is complete from Lake Mayer to Jenkins High School, along with the Police Memorial Trail from 52nd & Bee Rd. to Kerry St.
Friends of Tide to Town hopes the next phase known as Truman Linear Park Trail Phase 2B, will begin construction in summer 2022 and connect the two existing trail segments. Upcoming phases of Tide to Town will include the west side of Savannah through the developing Canal District, and on the south side of Savannah along Middleground Road. For more details, visit https://tidetotown.org/
YMCA OF COASTAL GEORGIA is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser