(Savannah daytrips) Try to spot one of the manatees that hang out @ Harbour Town Yacht Basin

Looking for a kid-friendly daytrip destination from Savannah?
We love Sea Pines Resort on Hilton Head Is. – a roughly 70 minute drive from Savannah. While there be sure to try to catch a sighting of one of the manatees (pictured above in a photo we took in July 2022) that hang out @ Harbour Town Yacht Basin. The manatees sometimes can be seen in the part of the marina near where this sign pictured below is posted, where the arrow points in the photo below.
Other places to visit there while in Sea Pines (aside from the beach at Sea Pines Beach Club): Gregg Russell playground @ Harbour Town; Lawton Stables (free animal farm, pony rides for a fee); Stoney-Baynard Ruins; Sea Pines Forest Preserve and Wildflower Field (picnic tables next to Lake Joe).
There’s still time to catch a legendary free Gregg Russell concert outdoors under Liberty Oak in Harbour Town this 2022 summer season. See his Summer 2022 performance schedule here. This beloved family-oriented singer/storyteller performs sing-a-longs, ballads and silly songs with audience participation. Kids often make & bring “pick-me-to sing-with-you” signs to hold up for Gregg to see.
There’s a $9 Sea Pines gate fee per vehicle.
While on Hilton Head Is. be sure to visit The Sandbox Children’s Museum and neighboring Adventure Playground @ Lowcountry Celebration Park.