SouthCoast Health: What Can We Expect After COVID-19

SouthCoast Health pediatricians nurse pracitioners

SouthCoast Health Nurse Practitioner Dawn Mace

SouthCoast Health experts offer advice here on what we can expect after COVID-19.

“That’s so much up in the air still when it comes to the coronavirus,” SouthCoast Health Nurse Practitioner Dawn Mace stated. “Everyone wants to know when things will go back to normal, if they ever will. The best answer, unfortunately, is we don’t know. But we’re all working hard to uncover how our world will look in the years to come.”

Changes you can expect to stick around include hygienic changes; remote jobs and chores; virtual medical visits/telemedicine.

Learn more here. 

Questions about the coronavirus pandemic? The experts at SouthCoast Health are here to help. Click here to schedule an appointment or call 912-691-3600.

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