SouthCoast Health in Savannah in line to receive COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 vaccines are the key assets to help us put an end to this pandemic, and the next steps toward protecting our community, reducing the number of cases, and restoring a sense of normalcy, said John Marrero, CEO of SouthCoast Health in Savannah.
The physicians at SouthCoast Health trust the science of COVID-19 vaccines and encourage all patients to get the vaccine as soon they become eligible, regardless of healthcare practice location. The vaccine, which offers up to 95% protection against COVID-19, was deemed safe and effective by the FDA, Marrero said.
SouthCoast Health is in line to receive the vaccine and we will provide updates regarding the availability as soon as they develop. SouthCoast Health plans on offering online appointments and following the government eligibility timeline as to who receives the vaccine.
Learn more here.
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