Savannah Summer Camps 2017: Register for Tormenta FC/Storm Soccer Academy Soccer Programs
Register for Tormenta FC/Storm Soccer Academy Soccer Programs for Summer 2017
Soccer Camps
Tormenta FC/Storm SA Summer Camps are the perfect soccer camp to improve in all areas of the game. These camps are beneficial for beginners as well as advanced players. From Sweet Feet-aged players to the highest level of youth soccer participants, Tormenta FC Camps offer a unique, dynamic soccer environment in which players master the mental, physical, and technical skills of the game.
Savannah Camps
· Camps available:
June 5-9, Ambuc Park Savannah, half day
July 17-21, Islands YMCA, half or full day
July 24-28, The Landings, half day
· All camps include a T-shirt; full day camps include a soccer ball
· More information available at
· Please click the following link to register:
Hilton Head Camps
· Camps available:
June 12-17, Island Rec Center, half day*
June 26-30, Hilton Head Prep, half or full day*
July 10-15, Hilton Head Christian Academy, half day
July 31- August 4, Essevee Soccer School, half day
· All camps include a T-shirt
· More information available at
· Please click the following link to register: *Registration for Islands Rec Center and Hilton Head Prep is through their site. Visit for links to register
Summer Training
Keep your skills up by signing up for summer training! We will focus on juggling, foot skills development, 1v1 situations, and more. You can sign up for 4 or 8 weeks.
Program details and registration process:
· Summer training available in Hilton Head, Richmond Hill, Savannah, and Statesboro
· Session 1 runs June 5-30; Session 2 runs July 3-28
· $125 per session or $200 for both sessions.
· More information available at
· Please click the following link to register:
About Tormenta FC/Storm SA
Tormenta FC/Storm SA was created in 2010 to service players who want to excel in soccer at the highest levels. Its creation has provided numerous participants with the opportunity to train locally and compete at the highest level regionally and nationally as they develop and graduate through our program. Tormenta FC/Storm SA seeks soccer players between the ages of 2 and 18 who wish to reach their potential and are committed to seeking excellence through our specific curriculum. Tormenta FC/Storm SA draws players from around the Low Country and provides training opportunities in Savannah, Hilton Head, and Statesboro.
Contact info: 843-860-8788, email,, On Facebook here. Tormenta FC/Storm SA is a advertiser