Register now for Spring Soccer 2016 with Savannah United
Time to register your child for Spring 2016 Soccer with Savannah United.
Registration is open for Micro & Rec Soccer
Micro U4-U8 Program
Micro players (U4, U5, U6, U7, U8) make up the largest number of participants in US soccer. Because this is entry level for a lot of children, Savannah United views this program as the grassroots of the club. To ensure players develop a love for the ’beautiful game’, we make sure it is run in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Practices are geared towards individual skill and coordination development.
Micro Program teams can train at any of the facilities available to us around the City including but not limited to The Jennifer Ross Soccer Complex, Ambuc, Daffin Park Bee Road, Wilmington Island, and Ottawa Farms Soccer Field in Bloomingdale. Games are played at one of three locations – The Jennifer Ross Complex on Sallie Mood, Wilmington Island, and Ottawa Farms in Bloomingdale (you can select your preference when registering).
Registration deadline
The registration deadline for the SPRING 2016 Micro Soccer season is February 23 2016. Any registration after that date will incur a LATE FEE of $15 and the player will be placed onto a waiting list (and not guaranteed a place in the program)**
Register online here or in person at the Savannah United office, 702 Mall Blvd || Suite C || Savannah, GA 31406.
Recreation Program U10-U14
Each team plays 6 games during the regular season and are then seeded into a playoff bracket to decide the Champions. Girls and Boys teams play separately. Teams practice once or twice a week and training sessions last between 60 – 90 minutes.
Register online here.
Early Goals/Toddler Soccer
Registration for Savannah United Soccer‘s Spring 2016 Early Goals Toddler Soccer will begin in late February 2016 with sessions starting in late March 2016.
Savannah United will post the Early Goals/toddler soccer schedule on Friday Feb. 19 and have registrations open on Monday Feb 22 at 10AM. The spots typically go quickly.
Spots are first come, first served.
Early Goals will be offered for players ages 30 months to 4 years old throughout the area this Spring including in Savannah, Wilmington Is., Pooler, Rincon, Bloomingdale, Richmond Hill.
Below are the age groups for the SPRING 2016 season:
Early Goals – Birthdates from 8/1/2012 to 10/1/2013
U4 Program Players – Birthdates from 8/1/2011 to 7/31/2012
Learn more here.
Savannah United,, 702 Mall Blvd Suite C, Savannah, 31406, tel 912-691-2472, email On Facebook here. Savannah United is a SouthernMamas advertiser.