FREE Kombucha: Celebrate Brighter Day Natural Foods’ Birthday, Oct. 23
This Friday October 23, Brighter Day Natural Foods in Savannah is celebrating their 37th birthday with a party
In honor of this big event, the Buchi Kombucha mobile truck will serve FREE samples of Kombucha outside Brighter Day at 1102 Bull Street, 5-7PM Friday Oct. 23.
Outside, customers can receive free samples of Buchi; inside, they’ll be blowing out candles and serving up all organic birthday cake around 6PM
The front counters inside the store will turn into party central. Customers can sign up for chance to win free gift baskets as well as a $100 Brighter Day gift certificate and look at a few pictures from years past.
As a surprise for owners Janie and Peter Brodhead, Brighter Day employees will have a Memory Basket, paper and pens, so you can write down thoughts, memories and wishes for Brighter Day as well as for owners Janie and Peter
Brighter Day & Buchi Kombucha
Since Brighter Day remodeled its deli, they’ve been carrying Buchi Kombucha on tap, even offering a “filling station ” in the deli for people who want to take it home with them in reusable “growler” vessels. The service is quite popular with customers. Brighter Day chose Buchi because of their quality, interesting flavor combinations and dedication to local suppliers and to community.
More about the Buchi Story
Buchi is based in Asheville, N.C., the brainchild of two moms who found each other as part of a home school co-op. Learn more here.
Kombucha in a Nutshell
Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from black tea and sugar, that supplies probiotics and other good stuff. It has a rich folk history and dates back to ancient China, being labeled as the “immortal Health Elixer.” It caught on in the U.S. around the 1980’s, with lots of us making kombucha in our kitchens. You can find recipes on line like this one here.
There has been a resurgence in popularity in the past few years with kombucha breweries springing up all over the country and people again making the beverage in their homes. There is an ongoing debate about fermented beverages and alcohol content. Read more here.
Shop local. Shop Brighter Day Natural Foods Market.
Brighter Day Natural Foods Market, 1102 Bull St., Savannah, 31401 912.236.4703,, On Facebook here. On twitter here. Brighter Day Natural Foods Market is a advertiser.