$50 Breastfeeding Mini-Sessions with The Art of Birth by Dusti Lynn Photography, Savannah
We love this sweet idea: breastfeeding mini portrait sessions in Savannah with The Art of Birth by Dusti Lynn Photography. And talk about affordable: $50 per session, 25% of which will be donated to the La Leche League of Savannah. Sessions include 3 digital images with printing rights and will be at Daffin Park on Oct. 6 2013.
Contact Dusti to check book your session– 912-661-4641 or dusti@theARTofbirth.com , www.theARTofbirth.com
The Art of Birth by Dusti Lynn Photography, www.theARTofbirth.com, On Facebook here, 912-661-4641, dusti@theARTofbirth.com The Art of Birth by Dusti Lynn Photography is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser