Children’s Fall Drawing & Painting Classes with Savannah Art Teacher Karen Bradley

Karen Bradley Drawing and Painting Classes for Ages 11 & older, 6 week classes, Fall 2012 schedule

Monday: Drawing the Self Portrait, Intermediate to Advanced $160
-A class in achieving the likeness of our own face through proportional measurement and volumetric form.
-Supplies: Artist’s choice

Tuesday: Intro to Pastels, Beginner to Intermediate $160
-A fundamentals class in basic drawing and composition utilizing the light to dark method of pastel drawing.
-Supplies: 4-6 pieces of Canson felt grey 11×14 pastel paper, 11×14 sketch pad or newsprint pad, set of monochromatic
brown nupastels, 1 black nupastel, 1 white nupastel, x-acto knife and blades (for sharpening)

Wednesday: Intro to Painting, Beginner to Intermediate $160
-A class in form painting using techniques oil painting to achieve a realistic painting of still life objects.
-Supplies: To be announced.

Thursday Drawing Methods, Beginner to Intermediate $160
– A fundamentals class in basic drawing and composition utilizing the subtraction method for creating tones. Students will
draw still life objects from direct observation using a wipe out technique to create a full range of tones for realistic threedimensional
-Supplies: 1 jar of graphite powder kneeded eraser, pink pearl eraser (pencil-shaped), pad of 11×14 vellum bristol paper,
11×14 drawing board, 2 bulldog clips, 11×14 sketch pad or newsprint paper, graphite pencils HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, chamois cloth,
x-acto knife and blades (for sharpening)

To register for a class or private lessons, please email or call Karen Bradley at 912-507-7138 or

Karen Bradley Art Teacher, 912-507-7138, email, 3103 Waters Ave., Savannah, GA 31401, Karen Bradley is a advertiser

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