Skidaway Island State Park February 2025 Kids’ Events, Savannah

Skidaway Island State Park Descriptions & Dates

Fun nature programs happening in February 2025 @ Skidaway Island State Park in Savannah. Unless otherwise noted, programs are free. $5 for parking. An * indicates pre-registration is required.

*Archery: Learn the basics of archery and test your skills on the range. This program will cover basic safety and tech￾nique. Equipment provided. Participants must be at least 10 years old. $10 per person. Please call the Visitor Center to register in advance. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early to check in at the archery range.

DIY Birdfeeder: Birdfeeders provide an energetic boost to the diets of local and migrating birds looking for a hearty meal. Make your own to take home while watching our birdfeeders. Please note: peanut butter is one of the main ingre￾dients used. Meet behind the Visitor Center at the picnic tables. $3 per person.

*Full Moon Hike – Snow Moon: Come view the Snow Moon in its full glory above your favorite state park. Join us for a hike as we experience the trails as you’ve likely never seen them before. Spaces are limited, call the Visitor Center at (912) 598-2300 to reserve yours today! Advance registration is required. $15 per person. Meet at the Visitor Center.

Georgia Arbor Day Tree Hike: Join us on this special day for an easy 1-mile hike along the Sandpiper Trail Loop. You will appreciate the variety of local trees and enjoy learning to identify them with a ranger. Meet at the Sandpiper Trailhead.

iNaturalist 101: Are you an iNaturalist user? Learn how to use this powerful ciƟzen science tool. We will show you how to use the smartphone and desktop applicaƟons to make observaƟons, suggest idenƟficaƟons, explore wildlife in the local area, and more! Download the app and create an account ahead of Ɵme to get the most out of this program. Meet in front of the Visitor Center for a brief tutorial before we head outside to make observaƟons.

Kids Care: Cleanup Challenge: Are you ready to give back to your community? Make your world a little brighter by helping tidy up. Stop by the Visitor Center to receive informationn and materials. Junior Rangers will receive credit towards a Kids Care service patch. There is no age limit and all participants may earn a prize.

Meet the Corn Snake: Drop by the Interpretive Center to meet, touch, and learn all about the corn snake.
Meet the Rat Snake: Drop by the Interpretive Center to meet, touch, and learn all about the corn snake.

Read with a Ranger: Young children will enjoy getting out for this hour of interactive reading. Listen to nature stories perfect for children with a love of the outdoors. Meet at the Interpretive Center, outside if fair weather.

Roving Ranger: A ranger will be roving the park to answer your questions about local flora, fauna, and more!

Sandpiper Trail Official Grand Re-opening: You’ve been asking (and asking and asking). After many months of closure, we’re pleased to finally say… “It’s OPEN!” Come help us celebrate the grand re-opening of the Sandpiper Trail with a simple, fun hike along the Sandpiper Trail Loop.

Science of Snowflakes: Join the naturalist in the InterpreƟve Center to learn all about how snowflakes are formed while you make a one-of-a-kind snowflake keepsake to take home. $2 per person.

Stills of Skidaway Hike: Uncover the history and science behind the abandoned moonshine stills on Skidaway Island State Park. Meet at the Big Ferry trailhead for a 3-mile hike highlighƟng some of the area’s most fascinating tales.

*Sweethearts Archery: You don’t have to be in love, but it helps! Join us for an all-day archery event. Hour long slots available all day. $10 for 1 person, $16 for 2 people. This program will cover basic safety and technique. Equipment pro￾vided. Participants must be at least 10 years old. $10 per person. Please call the Visitor Center to register in advance. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early to check in at the archery range.


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