August discounts + Family Fun @ Fun Zone, Pooler

Deals on pizza & arcade games @ Fun Zone in Pooler
Fun Zone in Pooler is the place for mini-golf, go-karts & arcade games @ Fun Zone in Pooler
Summer may be drawing to a close, but the family fun doesn’t have to end at Fun Zone! We are open through August with some awesome back-to-school specials to start the school year off right. Bring the family for some awesome after-school fun on weekdays this month and enjoy some great savings!
Mondays & Tuesdays: Get $7 Off A Regularly Priced Value Band
Get $7 off a regularly priced Value Band!
On Mondays and Tuesdays, visitors can purchase a Value Band (Regularly priced $27.99 + tax) for $7 off. Value Bands include up to 3 hours of unlimited rides on 3 of our 4 Go‑Kart Tracks (Road Course, Figure 8, and Kiddy Track) and play on both Mini‑Golf courses.
Wednesdays: Pizza & Play Special – $29.99
Get one 16-inch 1-topping pizza, four $5 Arcade Cards, and a Pitcher of Soft Drinks for Four, all for $29.99!
Each Wednesday this month, enjoy delicious pizza and soft drinks after playing Mini-Golf on one of our two recently updated courses, racing Go-Karts on one of our five racetracks, or using your four $5 Arcade Cards to play your favorite games inside the Arcade. We also have a number of sweet treats you can try like Fried Oreos, Funnel Cakes, and Dippin’ Dots (not included in August Specials).
Thursdays: Big Bonus Bucks
For every $1 spent on an Arcade Card, Get $2 in Credit!
Double the fun and games on Thursdays with our Big Bonus Bucks special! Try out our newest games including King Kong VR, HYPERpitch Major League Pitching, Minecraft, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Before you go, make sure to stop by our newly stocked Redemption Center to redeem your E-tickets for some great prizes!
Soak up the last bit of summer with these fun-filled deals! There are plenty of activities for all ages, so be sure to visit Fun Zone in Pooler in August before these deals end. Be sure to follow Fun Zone on Facebook and Instagram (@poolerfunzone) to stay up to date on all things Fun Zone and stay tuned for awesome new specials each month!
Fun Zone is at 1040 US-80 East, Pooler, GA 31322.
August Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 3-11PM
Friday: 3PM-12AM
Saturday: 12PM-12AM
Sunday: 12PM-11PM
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