Saturday Irish-themed musical playdate @ Kindermusik Savannah
March 26 Kindermusik musical playdate
Attention all 0-7 year olds and their caregivers.
Kindermusik Savannah is celebrating Irish music in our March playdate! Join us with your young musicmaker on Saturday, March 26 at 10am! An explosion of musical excitement, you won’t want to miss this fun class!
Parents and children together will engage with instruments, singing, moving, dancing, story time, and more delightful activities in this exciting one-time Kindermusik class. Each child will receive a Kindermusik instrument/prop, 10 Kindermusik songs, and special coupon for future classes. Limited spaces! Claim your child’s spot before it fills!
Enroll online at or text 912-432-5885 for more info
Kindermusik…A Good Beginning Never Ends.
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