(Savannah Summer Camps 2020) Camp Moon River @ Savannah Country Day School
Did you know that at Camp Moon River in Savannah, they have taken great care to develop and live by a dignity and respect statement?
Camp Moon River celebrates, values, and respects the differences among us. (Visit here, for their complete statement.)
Camp Moon River’s dignity and respect statement is just a piece of the foundation that informs the CMR culture for their campers and staff.
If a summer camp that fosters an environment of dignity and respect is important to you, check out Camp Moon River!
When you celebrate the PLATINUM rule, summer fun can truly begin!
CMR 2020 sessions are filling up; register soon to secure your spot(s)! www.CampMoonRiver.com
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Camp Moon River (CMR) at Savannah Country Day School
Register online here.
Questions? Email campmoonriver@savcds.org or call 912-961-8859.
Camp Moon River is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser