Savannah public schools: Application deadline, changes in eligibility requirements for choice program
Forget MAP scores.
Now it’s all about GPA.
The application process to Savannah-Chatham County Public School choice program will be handled differently in the 2021 application process due to COVID-19.
Test scores have been removed from the Choice eligibility criteria for the 2021-22 school year. Instead, Choice Grade Point Average (GPA) will be used to determine eligibility.
Choice GPA is defined as the end of quarter grades for the past three full semesters of core academic and world language courses (ELA/Reading/Math/Science/SS/World Language). All Choice Programs require a minimum Choice GPA of 80% or higher.
The Choice Program Application for school year 2021-2022 will open Feb. 1 2021 and close Feb. 19 2021.
What are Choice Programs? They are various specialty programs including kindergartens offered by Savannah-Chatham public schools. These public schools such as STEM Academy at Bartlett, Garrison Elementary, J.G. Smith Elementary, Charles Ellis Montessori Academy, Savannah Arts Academy, etc. either don’t have an attendance zone/neighborhood district or they also accept students outside of their attendance zone/neighborhood district.
Savannah-Chatham County Public School System offers roughly two dozen Choice (or specialty) Programs throughout the district from elementary through high school including kindergarten. Each Choice Program has entrance requirements. See the full list of choice programs here.
A review of previous minimum test scores can help guide Choice Program decisions. See Choice program at to review the previous testing criteria for each choice program.
The COVID-19 pandemic also lead to the cancellation of the SCCPSS traditional annual Student Success Expo. This year a Digital Expo will replace that event and be held Feb. 1 2021.
New Choice programs include the Innovative Learning Academy at Hubert, Cinematic Studies at Southwest Middle, STEAM at Marshpoint and a Drone Pilot Prep Program at Windsor Forest High. Learn more about the new programs here.
Savannah-Chatham public school Choice Program open houses 2021
Learn more here.