Kids’ Music Lessons with Kindermusik Savannah
Instill a love of music in your children from the ground up!
Expose your babies to a loving and joyful musical environment through movement and brain building activities.
Treat your toddler to a parent/child together activity that they’ll look forward to all week. Engage your preschooler in a music and movement class where they will learn about all the instruments, how music is written and put together, and how to produce musical sounds.
Next, watch your child blossom in private music lessons via Skype or in person. The Kindermusik Savannah team is here to help your child thrive and succeed at every age and stage.
Contact Kindermusik Savannah about their free trials for each level: text MUSIC to 912-432-5885 or visit today.
Kindermusik…music now, skills for life.
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