(Free events) Santa Fire Truck drive-by visits in Savannah, Isle of Hope, Islands, Bluffton
Local fire departments will have their annual Santa fire truck convoy through certain neighborhoods during the 2020 Holiday Season in Savannah, Wilmington Is. & Bluffton.
Islands Fire on Wilmington Island will escort Santa with their full fleet again in 2020 as firefighters help deliver candy canes and holiday cheer.
Date will be as follows: 12/12/20 – Wilmington Island | 12/13/20 – Whitemarsh & Talahi Islands.
Please use the maps here as reference for the routes. Also find interactive maps for a closer view here.
Live tracking of Santa and the Fleet will be available on the days from this page.
Isle of Hope/Dutch Island Santa Fire Truck 2020
The Isle of Hope Volunteer Fire Department transport Santa around Isle of Hope and Dutch Island Sat. Dec. 12 2020, 1-3PM. The truck will leave the station at 1PM, head down Paxton Drive and around IOH. Then the convoy will travel to Dutch Island.
Southside Santa Fire Truck 2020
Southside Fire’s Montgomery Division will have their annual Santa Truck detail when Santa visits various Savannah neighborhoods on a firetruck.
The 2020 Southside Santa firetruck holidays dates and route:
Dec. 20-Whitfield Ave.
Dec. 21-Ferguson Ave
Dec. 22-Burnside Island
Southside Fire will post updates and additional information here leading up to the event and during the event. This will include departure times from the station and their starting point for each area.
This will allow you to plan out an approximate time in which Santa should be coming to your neighborhood.
Free & open to the public.
Bluffton SC Santa Truck 2020
The Bluffton Fire Santa Truck will visit various Bluffton SC neighborhoods during the 2020 Holiday season Nov. 30-Dec. 17.
Santa will ride nightly on the dates listed in the schedule above between 6-8:30PM, depending on weather.
Find more Savannah-Lowcountry Holiday Happenings 2020 in our Event Calendar.