Savannah parent & me classes: Kindermusik early childhood music playdates

Parent and Me activities Savannah toddler preschooler Kindermusik Enrollment for Kindermusik Savannah January musical monthly play dates is now underway.

Join Kindermusik with 88 Keys Piano on January 18 or 21 at 10AM for “How do You Feel? Exploring Emotions in Music”. Newborns 0-7 are welcome.

Each child will receive an instrument, 10 Kindermusik songs, and a $10 coupon.

Cost is $15 per child and only $5 per sibling.

Spaces are limited and the Saturday class is already over half full, so enroll today at or call 912-988-KEYS today.

Kindermusik…a good beginning never ends.

Kindermusik Savannah,,  email, 912.988.KEYS (5397) Kindermusik is a advertiser

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