Matilda Jane sleeping bag & duffel bag Fall 2016 special

Matilda Jane sleeping bag special October Savannah Bluffton Hilton Head Is.

Your little slumber party fan will adore this cozy Matilda Jane combo – sleeping bag & duffel bag.  And YOU will adore this October 2016 special: Get a limited edition duffel bag for $25 with a $175 purchase. (FREE if you host a show with $800 or more in custom orders). Duffel bag promo ends Oct. 31 2016.

November 2016 special: Limited edition sleeping bag for $30 with a $175 purchase (FREE if you host a show with $800 or more in custom orders)

Contact your trunk keeper Robyn Shirley in Bluffton SC for details via email at or call 843-384-3842.

Robyn Shirley Independent Trunk Keeper #124 Matilda Jane Clothing in Bluffton SC is booking November shows & appointments for the November Holiday Collection. Email

TO BOOK or attend a show near you, email

Robyn Shirley, Team Leader and Trunk Keeper #124, Bluffton, SC, 843-384-3842, Robyn Shirley is a advertiser

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