The Art Bash Studio in Savannah offers Family Time painting on Saturdays
SATURDAY FAMILY FUN at The Art Bash Studio in Savannah
The Art Bash Studio – well known for their open public & private painting parties for adults, ladies’ night out creative events, painting birthday & bridal party bashes – now offers Family Time painting on Saturdays. The Art Bash Studio is at 7704 Waters Ave. (between Eisenhower and Mall Blvd)
For Saturday Family Time, bring your favorite soft drink. Needless to say, alcohol will not be served at Family Time.
NOTE: Children may not be dropped off. Supervision is required by another painter age 16 or older.
Upcoming Family Time themes & times include:
‘A Tail of Two Kitties” 1PM July 11 2015
Cost: $30 for 2.5 hrs
For AGES 8 & older.
Door opens at 12:30PM.
Pre-registration required. Sign up by clicking here.
“A Walk to the Beach” 1PM July 11 2015
Cost: $30 for 2.5 hrs
For AGES 10 & older
Pre-registration required. Sign up by clicking here.
View the Art Bash Studio calendar by clicking here for other classes & events.
Painting Parties for Adults
The Art Bash Studio offers
*open public painting pARTies
*private painting pARTies
Learn more here.
The Art Bash provides the SANGRIA, your canvas, brushes, paint, apron, instruction and inspiration.
WINE included as always (except at Family Time). The Art Bash awesome art instructors make painting EASY, the WINE makes it all a pARTy. Call 912.484.3438 to book your event.
The Art Bash Studio, 7704 Waters Ave. (between Eisenhower and Mall Blvd), tel: 912.484.3438, email, The Art Bash Studio is advertiser.