Free outdoor performances by casts of Forever Plaid & School House Rock @ Bluffton Farmers Market, March 19
The ‘Broadway On Calhoun’ series continues at the Bluffton Farmers Market Spring Opening on Thursday, March 19 2015.
The cast of the Arts Center’s hit musical “Forever Plaid” will perform along with the Main Street Youth Theatre’s cast of “School House Rock”.
Free and open to the public.
The performances are scheduled to begin at 4:30 P.M. on Calhoun Street in Old Town Bluffton in the open space adjacent to The Dispensary.
The Arts Center’s highly requested “Forever Plaid” is a smash musical filled with close harmony “bop-shoo-bop” hits from the 50s and 60s on March 29 through April 4. The Main Street Youth Theatre’s “School House Rock” is a fun, fast paced pop culture phenomenon which opens on their stage on Friday, March 20.
Sponsors of the event are The Old Town Bluffton Merchants Society, The Bluffton Sun and The Hilton Head Sun and The Farmers Market of Bluffton.
Farmers Market of Bluffton
Located at Carson Cottages in Old Town Bluffton, 40 Calhoun St. intersection of Calhoun Street & Lawrence Street, Bluffton, 29910-7014
2015 Season Grand Opening, March 19th, 2pm-7pm!
Details here.