Save up to 40% on last minute Valentine’s Day jewelry gifts with Metal Pressions @ Punch & Judy, Savannah
Meet & design jewelry with Elisha Argentinis at Punch & Judy this Tuesday February 11th in Habersham Village.
Save up to 40% on last minute Valentine’s Day jewelry gifts or just visit to enter our jewelry giveaway.
Metal Pressions was started in 2008 by Elisha and her husband Andreas Argentinis. They create fine handmade personalized jewelry in silver and gold.
All the text is impressed with individual craftsman’s tools for impressions deeper that conventional engraving. Embellish your jewelry designs with diamonds, gold accents, and more.
At, they have developed with world’s first true online jewelry design software. In minutes you can design jewelry without restrictions. Drag and place customizations in just about any position. The only limit to the jewelry you can design is your imagination!
Metal Pressions,, 800.554.8196, On Facebook here. Metal Pressions is a advertiser