Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness in Savannah offers Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy for Children
Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness in Savannah is THE practice for physical, occupational & speech therapy for kids.
Their therapists are here to answer your concerns about your child’s development.
Do people have difficulty understanding your child when he/she speaks?
Are you concerned about the effects of chronic ear infections on your child’s speech?
Are you concerned that your child is not crawling?
Does your child interact with others?
Therapists at Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness can answer these and many other questions you may have about your child’s development.
Call Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness for an appointment: 912.351.4793.
You can meet the therapists from Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness at their booth at the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society Annual Buddy Walk at Forsyth Park this Saturday October 4th. Learn more about the Buddy Walk 2014 here.
Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness, 10B Mall Ct., Savannah, 31406, 912.351.4793, On Facebook here, email , Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness is a advertiser.