Girls invited to learn about junior roller derby, July 21, Savannah

Junior roller derby in SavannahThe national wave of women’s roller derby is spreading to a new generation with the growth of junior roller derby.

Girls ages 10 to 17 and their parents are invited to learn more and meet players at a Meet & Greet hosted by the Savannah Jr. DerbyTaunts, 2-4 p.m. Sunday, July 21. The event takes place at the Garden City Gym located at 160 Priscilla Thomas Way, formerly Wheat Hill Road, behind Groves High School on Hwy. 21. The building is adjacent to the Garden City Stadium.

The Meet & Greet is free and open to the public. Girls accompanied by a parent are welcome to skate while parents learn about the league. Skates, helmets and protective gear are available for free use for girls. RSVP is appreciated at  in order to have the appropriate skate and gear sizes ready.

New skaters may join the DerbyTaunts during the league’s next and final open enrollment period of 2013 starting at the Meet & Greet. Prior skating experience is helpful but not required. Dues is $10/month.

The DerbyTaunts are the little sister league of the Savannah Derby Devils, an apprentice member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. Formed in 2012, the DerbyTaunts are members of the Junior Roller Derby Association and follow rules and standards set by WFTDA. Coaches and managers include current and retired members of the Derby Devils.

The Derby Devils are in the middle of their seventh season. The next double header against the Low Country High Rollers of Charleston takes place July 20 at the Savannah Civic Center arena. The event includes two bouts starting at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., activities and half-time games for kids, raffles, concessions and cold beer. Proceeds from the July 20 raffles will go to the DerbyTaunts.

Upcoming Savannah Derby Devils bouts which include half-time kids’ events:

July 20 5 p.m. Savannah’s Hostess City Hellions vs. Lowcountry Highrollers (Charleston, SC) 7 p.m. Savannah Derby Devils All-Stars vs. Lowcountry Highrollers

August 17 5 p.m. “Back-to-School Brawl” Regional Derby Scrimmage 7 p.m. Savannah Derby Devils All-Stars vs. Texas Rollergirls Hustlers (Austin, TX)

September 21 5 p.m. Savannah’s Hostess City Hellions vs. Chattanooga Roller Girls 7 p.m. Savannah Derby Devils All-Stars vs. Chattanooga Roller Girls

October 19 (Bonus bout at a location TBA) 5 p.m. Savannah’s Hostess City Hellions vs. Rogue Roller Girls (Fayetteville, NC) 7 p.m. Savannah Derby Devils All-Stars vs. Classic City Rollergirls (Athens, GA)

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