Free & open to the public: Tara Feis Irish Celebration, family fest, Savannah
Savannah’s Emmet Park will be transformed into a vision of the Emerald Isle during the City of Savannah’s Tara Feis Irish Celebration, Sat., Mar. 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tara Feis feis (pron. FESH) – or festival is family-friendly with live performances, food, art activities, crafts and games hosted with Irish ceremony, tradition and hospitality. The main stage will feature plenty of traditional Irish dancing, as well as a live performance by local folksinger Harry O’Donoghue. Children’s activities will include a performance by Magician Debbie O’ Carroll and topping the line-up will be the renowned Irish band RUNA.
The Festival is a free, public, non-alcoholic event geared towards families and children. Emmet Park is located in downtown Savannah at the east end of Bay Street.
Tara Feis Irish Celebration
Saturday, March 9, 2013
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Emmet Park (east end of Bay Street)
Presented by the City of Savannah’s Department of Cultural Affairs
Free and open to the public
For the event schedule, please click here.