Father’s Day Fishing, Food & Antique Autos Event @ Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens (formerly the Bamboo Farm), Savannah
Bring the family for fishing, food & an antique autos show Saturday June 15th, 10am – 2pm at Savannah’s Bamboo Farm (Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens).
Just in time for Father’s Day, Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens will host the Antique Auto club of Savannah and the Dixieland Cruisers for an old-fashioned cruise-in. Also that day, lakeside catch and release fishing and lunch at the lakeside pavilion. Bring your own fishing gear or buy a bamboo pole. A perfect Father’s Day gift!
$10 per car or $15 per minivan/SUV. There will be a fee for lunch. All proceeds benefit construction of the Children’s Garden.
(Sidenote unrelated to this event: Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens u-pick blackberries fields are open but be sure to call before you come out to pick (912) 921-5460! Blackberries are $3 per pound. Cash or checks accepted.)
Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens, 2 Canebrake Road, Savannah, GA. 31419, (912) 921-5460, www.coastalgeorgiabg.org