Take Your Child to the Library Day, Feb. 4, Savannah
Saturday, February 4
Stop by the library with your kids and take part in some special activities, PLUS, register to win a Nook! Live Oak Libraries will give away ONE Barnes & Noble NOOK ($200 value) throughout the entire system to individuals who register at their branch ONLY on February 4.
Rincon Library, 3 p.m.
Stop by the Rincon Library with your kids and take part in this special family program. Activities include family storytime and board games. This is also a great opportunity to get a library card, learn about library services and collections for the whole family, and find out more about e-book services. Your child may even be able to read to a wonderful therapy dog. For all ages.
Oglethorpe Mall Library
10:30 a.m. – “Special Storytime” for ages 0 to 4
4 p.m. – “Make It and Take It Craft” with a Reading Train theme for ages 4 and up.
Southwest Chatham Library
11 a.m. – “Dog Days” Readers, ages 5 & up. Quiet reading with one of our many registered therapy dogs.
2 p.m. – “Family Storytime” Stories, songs, fingerplays and a thematic craft for all ages.
3 p.m. – 5 p.m. – “E-book Consultation” A trained staff will be available to offer assistance using Download Destination on your electronic reading device.
Islands Library, 4 p.m.
Tybee Library, 4 p.m.
Thunderbolt Library, 4 p.m.
Learn about library services, get an e-book lesson, make an art activity, and register for a special prize.