Register for Junior Ranger Saturdays, Skidaway Is. State Park, Savannah
Time to register for Junior Ranger Saturdays at Skidaway Is. State Park, Savannah.
Starting Saturday, Feb 4, 2012, children ages 8-12 can participate in 6 weeks of hands-on programming and earn your Jr. Ranger patch along the way. Weekly events to include birding, hiking, fishing, and exploring the park’s Interpretive Center and meeting the critters that live in the reptile room.
6 Saturdays from February 4 – March 10
12:30pm-4pm (March 10th is from 4pm-8pm)
Ages 8-12
Come and join the staff from Skidaway Island State Park as they take an adventure into our natural and cultural heritage. Join the group for six Saturdays full of crafts, hikes, games and more as they learn and have fun. The program only accepts 12 kids so sign up as soon as possible to guarantee a spot. Please make sure to have your kids eat lunch before coming to camp. Light snacks will be provided.
Cost: $60 for 6 weeks. If you have any questions, contact the park at 912-598-2300