Pick-your-own strawberry fields open March 3, Savannah
The Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens pick-your-own strawberry fields will officially open Sat. March 3 2012. There also will be a strawberry breakfast 8-11 AM March 3 to celebrate the opening of the fields for the season. The fields will be open for picking until noon that day.
Menu: Pancakes with Strawberry preserves, cane syrup, egg and sausage casserole, biscuits, coffee, tea and orange juice
Cost: $10.00 Adults, $5.00 children 10 and younger.
The Bamboo Farm and Coastal Gardens, 2 Canebrake Road, Savannah, GA. 31419. Please call 912-921-5460 for information, http://bamboo.caes.uga.edu/, On Facebook here