“Dunaway’s Crossing” is the debut novel of a Savannah mother & English professor
We love when our Savannah moms have something to celebrate. And Nancy Brandon – Savannah mother of two and English professor – definitely does. Nancy recently published her first novel “Dunaway’s Crossing.” Congratulations, Nancy!
Nancy Brandon grew up in middle Georgia, and she graduated from the University of Georgia. She has taught college English for the past twenty years in Savannah, where she lives with her husband and two children.
Here’s a sample of what Nancy’s novel is about:
“Savannah newlywed Bea Dot Ferguson has it all: breathtaking beauty, a lavish home, and a wealthy husband—who bears her nothing but contempt. When his brutality results in the loss of her baby, she realizes she must break away from him. But how can she do so without opening a Pandora’s box of shameful secrets? For peace of mind until she figures out her next step, Bea Dot travels to sleepy Pineview, Georgia to visit her cousin. But upon arrival, she learns the rural town is beset with Spanish influenza. And Bea Dot finds herself fighting for survival, not only from her cruel husband, but from an invisible foe, the deadliest the world has ever seen.”
Currently, Dunaway’s Crossing is available via Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle formats. Signed paperbacks are available via www.nancybrandon.com .
In a few weeks, the book should be available through Barnes and Noble and is now available at at E. Shaver Bookseller at 326 Bull Street in Savannah. All copies of Dunaway’s Crossing at E. Shaver are signed by Nancy Brandon.