5th Anniversary Festival at Coastal Discovery Museum, Hilton Head Is.
The Coastal Discovery Museum to celebrate 5th Anniversary at Honey Horn, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sat. Oct.. 27
Partners of the Museum will be on hand with various activities, presentations, etc. throughout the day. The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy will be presenting the Marsh Tacky’s history and conservation at 11 a.m. There will also be Guinea and Red Wattle hogs, Buckeye chickens, Sussex chickens and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens on display during the event. Also participating will be the Hilton Head Open Land Trust, Osher Lifelong Learning, Sandbox mobile museum, Audubon with a display and birding on the boardwalk, the Town of Hilton Head, Lowcountry Master Naturalists Association with a display of animals, Sweetgrass basket making demonstrations and many more other participants. Plein Air painters will be on site during the day, painting around the property.
(843) 689-6767 or coastaldiscovery.org.