Nathan’s Something Special Scholarship Fund Barnes & Noble Bookfair, Savannah
9 AM – 11 PM. Enjoy activities throughout the day…Story Time, Music, Face Painting, & More…
Special Displays of Books, Toys, and Other Resources for the Parent, Teacher and Friend of Disabled Children and Adults
Nathan’s Something Special Scholarship Fund is are a local, non-profit organization committed to inclusion at the college or vocational school level. We offer two scholarships per year to a graduating Georgia high school student that has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy or autism. Our mission is to encourage education, independence and inclusion in both college and the job market.
Can’t attend the book fair:
Visit to support us online from 10/29/11 to 11/02/11 by entering Bookfair ID 10556413 at checkout.
A percentage of your Barnes & Noble purchases will
benefit Nathan’s Something Special Scholarship Fund.