Little Lambs Consignment Sale
The Little Lambs Spring Consignment Sale at First Presbyterian Preschool at 520 Washington Ave., Savannah , 31405 (on the corner of Washington and Paulsen streets in Ardsley Park .)
Dates of the Little Lambs sale are:
Fri., March 11, 2011 9 am-2 pm
Sat., March 12, 2011, 9 am-noon with many items half price
Items for sale include clothing (infants, children and maternity), toys, books, CD’s, baby items (strollers, car seats, boppies, etc) furniture, trikes.
Proceeds benefit First Presbyterian Preschool (a nurturing, friendly school that my children attend and love) as well as Thornwell Presbyterian Home for Children and Savannah Care Center .
If you have items to sell and want to make some money, call the preschool @ 912.351.0609. Leave you name and email address to receive a seller’s instruction packet.