Kindermusik Fall Classes in Savannah, Wilmington Is., Richmond Hill
Kindermusik classes will be offered this upcoming Fall : Mondays and Saturday mornings in Savannah; Tuesday mornings on Wilmington Island; Wednesday mornings in Richmond Hill.
Details on exact times, locations and costs are available here.
For newborns (ages 0-20 mths): Kindermusik “Village”. Includes the musical poems of Woody Guthrie, bird songs & the naturally occurring sounds in nature help babies develop an early appreciation for language, movement, and music. Dance the Charleston, the Tango, & the Cha-Cha & learn why dancing with your baby helps develop vital learning skills. 15 week-long class. Cost includes tuition & 2 complete sets of home materials.
For toddlers (ages 18 mths-3.5 yrs): “Wiggles and Giggles” features 30 songs, 15 dances & many more laughs in unique music activities, designed to reflect the importance of movement in the life of a toddler. 15 week-class. Cost includes tuition plus a complete set of at home materials.
For preschoolers (ages 3-5): Imagine That! class on Saturday mornings, entitled “See What I Saw”. Preschoolers use their real experience of playing in the park to create imaginative, storytelling scenarios with music, go on an imaginary trip to Grasshopper Park where they sail down the park slide & then recreate the sound of that experience with a loooong vocal glissando. Each week provides preschoolers one uninterrupted session of imaginative play that’s guided in a very specific, sequential way w/ a special sharing time with parents in the last 15 minutes of class. 15-weeks class. Cost includes tuition plus a complete set of at home materials.
“Sign and Sing”: Offered Monday mornings; a 10 week class of music & sign language for hearing babies, ages 6-36 months. This research-proven signing class for hearing children speeds language development, eases frustration & enhances long-term learning abilities. Cost includes tuition plus two complete sets of at home materials.
All classes are limited to 12 children per class (Imagine That is limited to 10 children only). Online enrollment is now available here. Simply visit to enroll and click on the Kindermusik link at the bottom of the home page. All classes begin the week after Labor Day (Sept. 12) and run through January 2012.
Kindermusik, 912.988.KEYS (5397),, email Kindermusik is a advertiser