Book-based Children’s DVDS For Your Summer Roadtrips
Memorial Day weekend is the start of family roadtrip season. Are your trips screen-free insane or DVD-player peaceful? Here are some Scholastic Storybook Treasures DVDs – which are based on quality children’s books – to help maintain backseat peace on long summer roadtrips. (Read my recent newspaper column “DVD-player or old-school car games?” by clicking here.”
“The Scrambled States of America and More Stories by Laurie Keller (66 mins + extras, $14.95) includes “The Scrambled States of America Talent Show,” “Do Unto Otters” and “Open Wide:Tooth School Inside.” TO BE RELEASED TUES. MAY 24.
“Lincoln and Douglass: An American Friendship and more stories to celebrate U.S. History” (81 minutes + extras, $14.95) includes “John, Paul, George & Ben” by Lane Smith, a humorous, factual history of five lads who grew up to be our Founding Fathers.
“My First Collection Featuring Splat the Cat” (100 minutes + extras, $24.95) includes four stories led by the title tale from author/illustrator Rob Scotton; “The Story About Ping and Other Fine Feathered Friends”; and “The Napping House and Other Stories that Rhyme.”
“The North Star and More Stories About Following Your Dreams” (57 minutes, $14.95) features best-selling author Peter H. Reynolds’ tale “The North Star” , as well as William Steig’s “Brave Irene,” “Players in Pigtails” and “Swamp Angel,” a Caldecott Honor book from Ann Isaccs. TO BE RELEASED TUES. MAY 24.
“Tikki Tikki Tembo and More Stories to Celebrate Asian Heritage” (66 minutes, $14.95) features the title tale based on the classic picture book by Arlene Mosel as well as “The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks” by Katherine Paterson and “The Stonecutter” by Gerald McDermott.
“The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and More Animal Adventures” (62 mins. + extras, $14.95) features Jon Scieszka’s fun take on the Three Little Pigs along with additional stories. Hear the rest of the story, straight from the wolf’s mouth and learn that the whole Big Bad Wolf thing was just a misunderstanding.
“Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that type and More Amusing Animal Tales” (3 hrs., 44 mins. + extras, $24.95) features Doreen Cronin’s best-sellers “Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type,” “Giggle Giggle Quack” and “Duck for President.”
Find more info on these DVDs here.