Babysitters & Nannies provides childcare in Savannah, Hilton Head Is.
Of the top 10 things that make parents anxious, the search for reliable childcare is No. 1.
Your model babysitter or nanny is a mix of Jo Frost and Mary Poppins, with a dash of Julie Andrews’ Maria von Trapp for levity.
For a blend of all of the above, check out Babysitters & Nannies, serving Savannah, Tybee Is., Wilmington Island, Bluffton, Hilton Head Is., Beaufort, Charleston and surroundng areas.
Babysitters & Nannies pairs families with child care providers for babysitting, part-time nanny or live-in nanny jobs. Babysitters & Nannies has an arsenal of vetted candidates who are CPR certified and have undergone DMV checks and extensive criminal records checks.
After you pay a membership fee that comes out to less than $1 a day, you can request a babysitter 24 hours-a-day via phone, email or by filling out a Babysitter Request Form through the Babysitters & Nannies website.
Babysitters & Nannies offer a variety of enticing discounts – of which the best is 10 percent off to SouthernMamas readers! Make sure you mention SouthernMamas sent you.
Babysitters & Nannies Give Back Program allows you the option of donating 10 percent of your membership fee back to a participating school or charity of your choice.
Even Mary Poppins can’t beat that.
Babysitters & Nannies, Owner/Operator Jenna Lucas, Phone: 843-384-4317; Fax: 843-757-8294; email or ;, 6 Victory Point Circle, Bluffton, SC 29910