Babysitters & Nannies provides childcare in Savannah, Hilton Head Is.

babysitters_and_nannies_-logoOf the top 10 things that make parents anxious, the search for reliable childcare is No. 1.

Your model babysitter or nanny is a mix of Jo Frost and Mary Poppins, with a dash of Julie Andrews’ Maria von Trapp for levity.

For a blend of all of the above, check out Babysitters & Nannies, serving Savannah, Tybee Is., Wilmington Island, Bluffton, Hilton Head Is., Beaufort, Charleston and surroundng areas.

 Babysitters & Nannies pairs families with child care providers for babysitting, part-time nanny or live-in nanny jobs. Babysitters & Nannies has an arsenal of vetted candidates who are CPR certified and have undergone DMV checks and extensive criminal records checks.

After you pay a membership fee that comes out to less than $1 a day, you can request a babysitter 24 hours-a-day via phone, email or by filling out a Babysitter Request Form through the Babysitters & Nannies website.

Babysitters & Nannies offer a variety of enticing discounts – of which the best is 10 percent off to SouthernMamas readers! Make sure you mention SouthernMamas sent you.

Babysitters & Nannies Give Back Program allows you the option of donating 10 percent of your membership fee back to a participating school or charity of your choice.

Even Mary Poppins can’t beat that.

Babysitters & Nannies, Owner/Operator Jenna Lucas, Phone: 843-384-4317; Fax: 843-757-8294; email  or ;, 6 Victory Point Circle, Bluffton, SC 29910

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