ArchaeoFest educational program for 4th, 5th graders in Savannah
Attention teachers and home-schooling parents: archaeology workshops are available to come to elementary schools or homeschool groups to teach Georgia Performance Standards in a variety of subjects, using archaeology as the hook.
ArchaeoFest is an educational program sponsored by the Coastal Heritage Society in Savannah that uses hands on-activities and the excitement of archaeology to teach a range of Georgia Performance Standards in 4th and 5th grade Language Arts, Science, Math, and Social Studies.
Participants practice critical thinking, observations and inferences, identification, classification, matching, measuring, logic, and inductive & deductive reasoning.
Choose (Each program accommodates 25-30 students):
•2 hour program, given three times in a day at same location ($500 Flat Rate for all three programs) [averages $5.50-$6.70 per student depending on number of students]
•3 hour program, given twice in a day at same location ($450 flat rate for both programs) [averages $7.50-$9.00 depending on number of students]
Programs available for Chatham County area Sept. 13-Oct. 8, 2010.
Reservations required and can be made beginning Aug. 12. For more info, contact: Rita Elliott,; 912.651.6850.
Brought to you by Coastal Heritage Society, Savannah.